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"Dad?" I called when we got to the house.

"Yep?" He answered, appearing from the kitchen.

"I need a favor."

Adrian ducked under my arm and began running up the stairs. Halfway to the hallway, he stopped and turned around. "Go easy on him, dad. The kid's in love."

"Go away, Adrian." I snapped. He stuck his tongue out at me and disappeared into his room. "But seriously, dad. There's this college I want to check out... And they're having a campus tour this weekend."

"Really? Where?" His eyes lit up.

"In... Denton."

"I don't know a Denton, England."

"Actually, it's Denton, Texas." I explained.

"Is it because Phil is going to Texas?" Dad asked.

"No! Well. Maybe. It was inspiration! I had no where else I wanted to go."

"Oh? So you weren't thinking about the institution of art for the last 18 years of your life." He crossed his arms.

"Denton has a good program. I just want to check it out. Leave Friday after school, and come home Sunday."

Dad sighed, and I watched his eyes trail the wall behind me. "Fine. But you're paying for your own plane ticket."

"Thanks! I'm going to Mrs. Johnson's house. Bye!" I smiled, running out of the house just as quickly as I had went in.

I still had two hours until I had to be at my teacher's, so I took a detour to color boy's so I could share the good news.

"I thought you weren't allowed to see me." Phil said as soon as he opened his door.

"Hi to you too." I greeted. Phil's features softened, and he stepped aside so I could enter. "My dad said yes." I told him.

Phil gasped. "Really! Oh, Texas will be so much more fun with you!" He laughed. I smiled. "Also, you're stuck with me for hours on the plane." I pretended to be annoyed, and Phil nudged my shoulder. "We could play iSpy." He teased.

"Is anybody home?" I asked, and he shook his head. "Wanna practice that kiss?"

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