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Phil wasn't in school on Thursday. I didn't think much of it, just went through my normal day.

I sat with Ian and Anthony again at lunch, and they, like Adrian, were worried about me going to college in Texas.

"Dan." Anthony began. "I know you love Phil, and all... But we've been planning to go to college together for such a long time."

"I know, Anthony. I might not even go to Denton... I just want to support Phil." I repeated what I had said to Adrian.

Ian glanced over each of his shoulders, and turned back to his lunch. "You alright, Ian?" I asked him.

"PJ's been threatening us not to hang out with you." He blurted, pressing his lips together after Anthony hit him.


"He's doing it to everybody. Notice how not a lot of people are talking to you? They all think you helped Phil cheat."

"What an ass." I rolled my eyes. "What did he say?"

"Just some stupid things that he'll start a rumor. I don't mind though, some of the things he said were kinda bizarre." Anthony admitted.

The rest of my day was typical. I walked home with Adrian, ate dinner with my parents, and went to bed at an early time.

However, my pleasant dream was disturbed by a loud noise on my bed. I opened my eyes to immediate darkness, and had to wait a moment for them to adjust to pick up my phone and answer a call.

"Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Dan? Oh! I'm sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, no." I lied. "I'm always awake at-" I paused, glancing at my alarm clock near my bed. "3-! 3 in the morning. Especially when I'm supposed to be on a plane."

"I did wake you." I heard Phil groan. "I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. What's up?"

"I just wanted to talk. But you can go back to sleep. I'm sorry."

"We can talk." I said quickly. "What's going on?"

"Just... Purple. About the plane."

"It's alright." I muttered. "We can talk then, and we can talk now. Tell me something."

"You already know a lot about me.. Tell me something about you."

"How about we tell stories about ourselves." I suggested.

"You go first." He said. "Not it!"

"What? That's not fair. You're the one who woke me up."

"Fine.. I'll go first." Phil stopped for a moment. "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me a secret, I guess."

"One time I spent a night in jail."

"What?! Why?"

"I was dared to ring a fire alarm inside of a fire station." He laughed at himself.

"And what happened?" I rolled over on my stomach, propping my elbow on the mattress.

"The police called my dad, and he said they could have me for the night."

"When was this?"

"Two years ago. It wasn't that bad. I made friends with the boy in the cell across from me. Angry Adam, they called him."

I was so delirious that I couldn't stop laughing at him to begin my story. Once I had calmed down, I told him about the nights with my dad near he lake. Phil was silent the entire time, and halfway through my story I had to ask him a question to make sure he hadn't fell asleep.

"That was a better story than mine." He proclaimed when I was finished.

"I liked yours more." I replied.

We were silent for a moment until his voice rang in my ear. "I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's okay." I assured him.

"Hey Dan?"


"I love you."

I hung my head and smiled against my pressed lips. The phone against my ear as I tried not to laugh and cry at the same time.

"I love you too." I whispered back.

"See you soon."

"Pink." My voice was still quiet, and almost inaudible.

"Pink." He returned with a light laugh. "Good night."

A/N: 13k lol.

I need help also, I've been trying to find this video (and I don't know if it's not them or just a dream I had) where Dan and Phil hear a noise and Dan whispers "what was that?". I've been looking for it EVERYWHERE and if one of you guys know it would mean a great deal to me. Thanks!

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