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Saying that I was confused was an understatement.

He's giving me time to think about what's he has done?

I had called Phil a few times, but after he didn't respond I gave up. He ignored me in school, he didn't go to lunch, took different hallways than he used to... He was purposely trying not to see me.

Eventually I gave up. He didn't want to talk to me, why should I want to talk to him? We hadn't officially broken up... Perhaps we were just taking a break. I don't know.

A week after the prom incident, Phil called me.

"Hello?" I asked.



"It's me."

I hung my head and smiled to myself. It really had been so long since I had heard his voice. "Hi." I croaked.

"How are you?"

"I've been better. You?"


I sat on my bed and breathed a laugh. "Are you still putting me on hold?"

"If you would have me back, I'd like to go on a date with you."


"Dan?" Adrian burst into my room. "Dan, can we talk?"

"One second." I muttered, putting Phil on mute and turning to my little brother. "What?"

"Who are you on the phone with?"

"Can't you see I'm busy?" I held my phone up.


"Go bother mom, or something." I shooed him away. "Anyways.." I started after my little brother left. "I would love to, Phil."

"Great! I have so much to tell you."

"Me too! I've been-"

"Dan..." Adrian said again, stepping into my room once more.

"What?!" I raised my voice, putting my phone on the bed.

Adrian hesitated. "I just... I really need to talk to-"

"For the last time, I'm busy. Go find mom!"

"Mom isn't home."

"Then, I don't know! Get out of my room!"


"Stop being annoying and go!" I pointed at my door. Adrian walked cautiously away from my room, and I brought the phone to my ear again. "Sorry, Phil. My little brother is just looking for attention."

"Oh? You should talk to him."

"I'd rather talk to you." I told him.

Phil laughed. "Alright. What were you going to say?"

"Uhm... Oh! I've been looking for you in the halls and stuff."

"You have? Oh, I'm sorry."

"Yeah. It-" I stopped myself when I heard my door creak. "Adrian! What. Do. You. Want?"

Adrian shyly peeked his head into my room. "I really need some advice." He said.

"Not right now!" I yelled. He was really getting on my nerves. Why couldn't he understand that I was trying to rekindle this relationship? "What don't you get!"


"No! I don't care, Adrian! Get out of my room!"


"Just shut up!"

"You're talking to Phil, aren't you?" He asked.


Adrian took a step back. His entire face shifted from a plead to a look of hate. Then, there was a firm nod, almost of acceptance. "Fine." He said, slamming my door behind me.

A/N: 50k omfg I love you guys so much!

I saw Troye Sivan tonight and let me just say I've never screamed so loud. My ears are still ringing from the high volume. It was one of the best nights of my life.

Besides meeting Dan and Phil of course.

These next couple chapters, you guys are gonna get it. I'm sorry, but this is how I planned the story to go, so... Good luck!

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