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Our goodbye wasn't extravagant. A long kiss, a list of promises, and a letter that Phil made me promise I wouldn't open until he was on the plane. Then, I went home, and he finished packing.

Luckily for me, he was already on the plane when I woke up the next morning. I got out of bed and walked over to my drawing table to pick up the letter. It was heavy, different from a card or just a piece of paper.

I opened the envelope and turned it upside to dump out the contents. Inside was a wade of pounds, and a folded paper.


Hopefully you followed my request to not open this until I'm on the plane. I wouldn't be surprised if you opened it earlier, cause that's something you would do. It's only cause I want you to appreciate it before you call me crying like I know you will.

I love you. Thank you.

There hadn't been a lot of yellow in my life before you came around. My parents, the people at school... I don't know. It was tough.

I'm glad you kissed me by the lake cause I had been to nervous to try. I didn't even know you liked me that way.

I'm also glad we raided Johnson's cabinet. And then we blamed Ian's locker. Our principal was dumb.

I'm also glad you let me come over and sit on your roof a lot. Remember that time you went outside and found me on your roof. Yeah... that was awkward. But you can see the stars so clearly from your house!

I'm also glad you and Adrian ran away with me, cause watching you scream your lungs out on the roller coaster was the highlight of my year.

I'm also glad you asked me to come and spy on Adrian with you. Tell Adrian I miss him and we will finish our game of Life when I come back.

I'm also glad I was your first. I mean, I didn't even know that was your first but you did well. Is this weird? Should I have erased that? Probably.

I'm also glad you got to meet Dodie. Check in on her now and then for me pleaseee.

I wish I could hug you again and tell you that you'll get in the college of your dreams, and that Adrian will be okay. And that PJ is in a better place when we both know he's not. I'm sorry.

Tout va bien, Dan.

Until we meet again,

P.S. The money is for that picture you painted of Adrian holding the balloon. Ship me the painting, I'm buying it. Don't send the money back or I will personally fly back to London and put it in your bank account.

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