Chapter Six: The Futurm's

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here's your chapter but before I start I just wanted to say sorry for the updates that are slow and not really that interesting, the stories about to get more intense so don't worry.

Chapter Six: The Futurm's

Derek takes me home. I don't move to take off my seat belt and he doesn't ask me to leave so we stay as we are, both looking at the house that I grew up in, in complete silence. Looking at it now, it seems so much smaller than I always remember it to be.

After a while Derek is the first one to speak, "we're going to be okay Skylar."

I shake my head without looking at him, knowing if I did, I wouldn't be able to stop the salt-watery tears from falling down my cheeks, "how do you know that?"

"I don't," he shrugs, the frustration clearly written on his face as well, "that's just something you say when there's nothing else."

I snort, "That's what my mother told me when my father left, and that's also what my grandparents told me when my mother died. They didn't know the truth but they lied anyways, because they thought that was whatwas best for me."

  "It probably was," he says quietly, then adds in "at the time."

"Well it's not anymore," I laugh cruelly, "its funny how sometimes the things that people think are best for you actually aren't. Everyone seems to think that honesty is one huge bucket of sunshine, when in reality it hurts way more than a lie ever would."

"It's only considered a lie when you find out the truth. Your grandparents never lied to you, Sky-"

I cut him off, "oh, so how about the past seventeen years telling me that my life was brutally normal and my mom died in a car accident? Would you consider that as the truth? Because I sure as hell wouldn't."

"No," he says quietly, " not when you put it like that, I wouldn't."

I stare at him in disbelief, "there isn't any other way to put it!"

"If you were to ask me, I would say you're grandparents saved you. It's not their fault for wanting you to have a happy normal childhood, for wanting the best for you. I don't think you would rather have spent your childhood worrying about eternal life, magic books and evil sources out to destroy us. Sure, you're childhood wasn't the best but it's better than what's going on now. You're grandparents lied to you because they wanted you to remember a time when things were simpler. Your mom dying wasn't easy for you, and I'm not saying it was. I know it was hard and I know it broke you inside, but I'm saying that it wasn't easy for your grandparents either.

I scowl at him. "But nobody asked you for your opinion!" I mutter angrily, "it's my life." I know I'm acting like a brat, but what Derek is saying is right, I couldn't ignore that.

Derek slams his hands on the steering wheel in frustration and then turns to look at me. "That's the truth Skylar, you say you want it, then when someone gives it to you, and you ask them to take it back. Things don't just go away because you want them to, that's not how this works. I'm not going to sit here and lecture you like I know what's best for you or tell you about how I lived through it, because I still haven't. I'm as far deep in this as you. But that's not the point, I'm just telling you that the best way I learned to deal with this stuff is to take it or pretend it's not there. Ultimately it doesn't really matter what you do with it because it's going to stick with you regardless."

I sigh, I know I should be mad at him for lashing out at me but I'm not, seeing how I just did the same to him. "I get it, but you don't understand what it's like to live your life based upon lies. It's hard to realize the truth you always thought was so real, is now anything but."

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