Chapter Thirteen: The Winters Are Cold

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Song: Gone Too Soon by Daughtry. This song relates to the chapter a lot so you guys might want to listen while reading?

Chapter Thirteen: The Winters Are Cold

I slowly start to open my eyes, feeling out of place the minute I'm pulled from the deep sleep I was in. I tenderly sit up, feeling my head for the open wound that- is no longer there?

Opening my eyes fully I realize I am no longer in my own room and glace around me cautiously, seeing car posters and sports equipment littered all over the place, indicating that the room belongs to a boy, I just don't know who.

I walk the perimeter of the room, feeling my way through the poorly lighted house and glance in the mirror to try and figure out why I no longer feel an agonizing pain every time I move my head too quickly.

When I turn back towards the bed, I gasp. Where it was once empty, now is occupied by a child, around the age of seven. He's small for his age, with short brown hair. His eyes are closed, which makes him look a lot younger, and more peaceful than he actually is.

The distance chatter coming from the floor below causes the boy to stir. His eyes open slightly and he looks right at me through darkened eyelashes- or rather through me considering he can't see me.

My knees threaten to give out when I see his eyes.


Remarkable green.

The type of green that matched the swaying chain at my throat.

Eyes I would never- could never- forget.

They were Derek's; the boy sitting tenderly on the bed in front of me was Derek, at the age of seven.

He soundlessly steps towards his closed door, and opens it slightly, peeking his head through, and then straightens his posture before slowly walking into the hallway and down the stairs.

I follow him, though I'm not really sure why. Instead of figuring my way out of this dream state, I follow him, keeping a careful distance as if I were scared he would see me even though I knew he wouldn't.

He steps into the dimly lighted room, his feet making no sound as his eyes fall to the floor when two people step towards him. Their hands were joined together tightly, almost as if they were afraid to let go of each other.

The man had piercing green eyes, identical to Derek's, and a chin that was too sharp with worry despite his young age. He looked exactly like Derek does now.

He was Derek's father.

The woman standing beside him was faceless, however. She had blue/gray eyes, those I could see. The rest of her features were blurry, making her unknown.

Mi fili (my son)" the man said, bending down so they were at eyelevel, "tempus est etiam im timere (I am afraid it is time)."

Derek nodded, his eyes still searching his feet.

The woman bent down as well, lifting his chin so he was looking directly at her, "it's alright, Derek, we will be returning soon."

The look Derek's father gave the woman made it clear that they were not, but he did not say a word and Derek didn't notice.

Derek looks over at his father, almost as if he were asking permission to search his face. His father nodded and smiled as Derek barreled straight into his arms. He hugged him back just as fiercely; whispering soothing words into Derek's slightly swaying form.

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