Chapter Twenty-Five: In Two Months Time

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anyone in the mood for a time jump....?

Chapter Twenty-Four: In Two Months Time

Even after the gap between the things that happened, I can still feel the darkness pulsing through me, just as alive as it was when it first entered my body.

It's been two months since Aislinn's accident and we have gotten no closer to figuring out anything that will help us defeat the monster that killed our parents.

Aislinn is doing okay considering the fact that it's been two months since she last saw or heard from her brother. But despite his long absence, she's still convinced that he's going to be returning home.

She says he's not dead; that she'd be able to feel it if something happened to him and we agreed with her, although something told me that it was only because the fight had burned out of us.

As the doctor promised, she recovered from her accident within a few weeks ,but I think the fact that Aidenn wasn't there to help her through it definitely put a wedge in their relationship, and if he ever does return, it's going to take a long time for him to build her trust back.

Her uncle also gets worse everyday. Sometimes he's okay and Aislinn believes he has more time, but other times it just gets so bad she doesn't know if he's going to make it through the night

Nobody really knows how much time he has life. It's almost like a waiting game, and there's nothing any of us can do about it.

But he's still insistent that Aidenn is going to be coming back before he's gone, and although it couldn't be good for his health to be riding on so much hope, there's something inside me that finds it even more exhausting to be on the other side of it, where you knew that he wasn't.

Aislinn says that he repeatedly tells her that Aidenn's okay and that he's coming back but sometimes he's on so much medication he doesn't even know what he's saying.

We've been trying to be there for her but our support is not the same as her brothers, and after two months of getting nothing but his voicemail, we gave up hope of him ever coming back.

Derek on the other hand, hasn't been much different, but our relationship grows stronger everyday. He spends most days and nights at my house, and when we're not at my house, we're at his or in Adela's library.

I'll never tell him this, but everything that he does makes me fall in love with him a little bit more, even the completely ordinary things such as the way he breathes when he's tired or the softness of his voice whenever he talks about his feelings.

I trust him with my life, and my heart, the only problem is that it's not enough and I just don't know why.

My relationship with my grandparents goes downhill every passing day and I know that they're trying to be supportive, but all the stuff that's been happening reminds them of a time they so desperately want to forget, and I don't blame them for wanting to put some distance between us.

The forced conversation and awkward silence whenever I'm home and not with Derek (although it's not often) makes me feel as if they were preparing themselves for death; though I'm not really sure whose.

But Derek doesn't agree.

He thinks they're just giving me the time that I need; he doesn't seem to understand that from all the things I could possibly need from them, time isn't one of them.

And I don't think Malum being back helps much either. They try to get along with him for my sake, but they're always going to see them as the person that abandoned his family all those years ago. So they try to avoid each other as much as possible and I know it's wrong, but a part of me finds it better this way.

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