YTTD - Chapter 16

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    "You met his mother?" Lily and Grace both looked at me in shock. 

After my so called eventful weekend, I had spent the rest of the days cooped up in my room, and having youtube as my best friend as I watched videos of my favorite idols. Sometimes as I went to check on Facebook, I would see the usual updates from the popular crowd in school as they posted pictures of themselves partying hard for sure. I somehow felt bitter and just completely lonely as I looked at all the pictures on the feed, as it seemed like everyone was at the same party. I could even detect traces of Lily in the background in some of them. Maybe i'm more of a loser than I thought. Huh, interesting. 

Now Monday had rolled around and a new week of school starting. We sat in the canteen at the moment, enjoying the lunch as I sipped on my juice and shrugged casually at the girls. 

    "Yep, not the way I expected, but I did."

    "She's scary, right?" Lily said. 

I looked at her confused, "How did you know?"

    "I was at Santana's one day, when the Ashton family came to visit. She literally stared at me like I was some kind of garbage underneath her feet," Lily rolled her eyes at the reminder, and I could practically see the fury swimming in her eyes. Yikes. 

I frowned as I remembered the coldness that surrounded Mrs. Ashton or whatever she's called. She did treat me badly, but I couldn't remember that it was that bad. Comforting Lily with a pat on her shoulder, I watched as she mumbled curses underneath her breath, the memory obviously not one of her greatest moments. Grace rubbed her back with a sympathetic look, and tried to assure her that it wasn't the case. 

    "You know those people Lils. They think they're better than everyone else," she said. "Santana has probably been telling the Ashton's lies about you, being Nates' girlfriend and all." 

    "I still don't get it though," I voiced out as both of them looked at me. "Why would she act like that towards you? Isn't your family as rich as hers?" 

Lily sighed, "Not even close. I mean yeah, we've got money and all that, but The Ashton family are practically on top of everyone else. I doubt there are many that can get on the good side of them, except Santana."

    "The world's a messed up place," Grace muttered and I couldn't help but agree.

A thought popped in my mind as I glanced at Lily again, where she sat and absently ate her lunch while her gaze was locked on her phone screen. "Hey Lils.."

    "Sup?" she replied and quickly looked at me before back down. 

    "Were you at that party this weekend?" 

    "Depends on which one," she replied with a shrug. 

    "You were on more than one?" Grace joined the conversation, and raised her eyebrows at Lily. 

Said person rolled her eyes, "You two need to get out more. You have no idea how many that are throwing parties each Saturday. You just have to be smart about picking which one to go to."

Grace scrunched up her nose at those words, "I'd rather be in my bed and reading Harry Potter than that."

    "Exactly!" I exclaimed in happiness as both of us high fived each other. I always knew my best friend would be on my side. 

    "You guys are boring," Lily stated blankly. 

    "Not boring, we like to be on the safe side you see," I replied with a small smirk. 

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