YTTD - Chapter 22

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So I just randomly decided to change the cover. What do you guys think? :D
Anyways on to the next chapter - seriously, i'm on a roll these days.

 What do you guys think? :DAnyways on to the next chapter - seriously, i'm on a roll these days

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When I opened my eyes again, my mind was a bit fuzzy. A small yawn escaped when I realized I had fallen asleep. Frowning a bit, I slowly lifted my head to look around then to notice the heavy weight settled around my waist. Glancing behind me, Nate Ashton's sleeping face came into view as everything came back to me. Looking at him I marveled over how different he seemed while sleeping. His features looked to young and innocent. Contrasting how he was when awake. Slowly lifting the arm he had around my waist, I got off my bed and found my phone after a bit of struggling to look at the time. 

6 a.m

"What the hell..." I couldn't help but mutter to myself in disbelief. I've slept for ten hours and no one in my family had actually come in to check on us. That was surprising, especially my mom. Looking out the window I noticed that the light was slowly starting to seep in, but my alarm wouldn't be going off before 7. I turned it off just in case to let him sleep a bit longer. I believed he might need it. 

Glancing around my room I really didn't know what to do. Settling down on the chair by my desk I looked back on what had happened. I was curious. So curious. What had happened to him that made him cry and come to my house. What was so bad that he didn't want to go back to his luxurious mansion? I already knew that his father was somehow involved in all of this. I just didn't understand how serious it was. But seeing the way he behaved there was probably more happening behind the scenes than I would know. And I doubted he would tell me. We were after all only friends. Not even close friends at that. I didn't know much about him when I think about it. I didn't even know his birthday of all things. 

Taking one last look at the sleeping form in my bed, I quietly made my way to my closet and tried my best to find some clothes in the darkness. The only helpful light being the small amount coming in through my blinds. I got inside my bathroom and locked the door to get ready for school a bit earlier today. After brushing my teeth I spent some time putting on what had become my daily makeup routine. It consisted of the normal base with primer and foundation, then some eyeliner, mascara and lip balm. On my good days I would have thrown in some contouring as well, but I just didn't bother with it and settled with a small amount of blush instead. Dressing into a pair of ripped, black skinny jeans, red crop top along with a simple choker and cheap watch I bought on Ebay a few months back. I nodded satisfied in the mirror after putting my dirty blonde hair up in a high ponytail.   

Taking a small breath, I opened the door as silently as possible and crept back into my room only to stop in my tracks. Ashton was already wide awake as his eyes locked on me, and a small smirk rested on his lips when I came into view. 

"Morning," his voice said, being husky in the morning. A clear sign that he just woke up. 

"Hey..." I replied. "Sleep well?"

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