YTTD - Chapter 21

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Allie's house and bedroom/bathroom____________________________________

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Allie's house and bedroom/bathroom

It was after Ashton had dropped me off at my house that I realized we practically skipped the rest of the school day. I didn't even feel the tiniest bit guilty about it when I entered the front door. My parents were still both at work, while Sirius was snoring on the couch, a chewed up ball laying on the floor below him. Giving him a gentle rub that he didn't even budge from I made my way up to my room. I changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, not even hesitating about taking off my bra and sighing out in relief. Looking at my desk, I groaned out at the thought of having to do homework but didn't really have a choice.

Reluctantly making my way over and sitting down, I pulled out the books and opened the working sheet from math that were due till Friday. I actually still had four days to finish it, but whenever I waited I always ended up doing it the day before by staying up late. It was just better to get it out of the way, and then I could curl up in my bed watching series for the rest of the day. So I sat by my desk for about three hours, grumbling over what seemed to be impossible math equations and not understanding any of the explanations. I'm really bad at math okay. Like really bad. One couldn't believe how it was possible to be that bad at it. I always used forever to understand one problem, and by then people would have already learned the next one.

Just as I was about to throw the book agains the wall, my mom's voice saved it just in time that even I was surprised. I hadn't even realized she'd gotten home. Glancing at the clock I saw that it was about time for dinner.

"Girls, time for dinner!" Her voice called up the stairs as I stretched my body and stood up.

Yawning, I dragged my feet out the door and down the stairs towards the dining room. Our house was a little above average sized with two stories high. Mom was a perfectionist when it came to how it looked. So almost everyone had to match somehow. Our whole house had only white and cream colors painted on the walls along with many windows to let in natural light. Both of my parents were really on the light and modern side when it came to houses and furnitures. When I came into the dining room everything was already set up as I sat down across from Addison, who was typing something on her phone with a concentrated look.

"Phones off," mom ordered with a stern glance as Addison put it down with a small grunt.

Dad was seated next to me, across from mom as he began helping himself from the food. Tonight it was tacos that mom made, and probably some of my favorite food.

"How was school, you two?" Dad then asked us.

Addison shrugged, "Fine I guess. Not much happened. The freshmen are still trying to get used to everything."

"You're still not used to it?" I questioned her and took a bite of my food.

"It's only been a month," she rolled her eyes in reply.

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