YTTD - Chapter 5

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    "I can't believe you Grace..." I muttered angrily the next day in the kitchen. We were all seated around the island table, eating breakfast and I was still fuming at her for last night.

    "I'm sorry! Alright?" She whined apologetically. "I was drunk, I didn't know what I did!" She defended herself, with a sheepish smile.

My eyes only flickered to her in a glare, like it's been all morning since I woke up. I didn't even get a good sleep after that stupid dare.

    "Though you have to admit, it was kind of genius," Lily put in with a impressed expression.

    "Shut up," I hissed in reply as she smirked at me with a wink.

    "Oh come on," she assured me, "How bad can it be?"

 I scoffed at that, and sent her a pointed look, "Yeah, I want to continue living, thank you very much," I said sarcastically to her and referring to Santana Rodriguez.

    "Are you kidding me? My cousin wouldn't even win in a catfight if she wanted," Lily commented with a roll of her eyes. "She might look tough with her looks and rude mouth, but when it comes to physical things, she's lost."

I stared at her with wide eyes and mouth slightly parted, "I don't want it to get physical!" I exclaimed very loudly and sprung up from my seat. "I don't want it to get anything!" I added a few seconds later.

Lily chuckled and shook her head at me. "Babe, with that kind of dare, I don't think it's possible to not get violent."

My eyes narrowed at her in annoyance and betrayal. "You are not helping!" I snapped in reply, and she only shrugged carelessly.

    "Why are you acting like it's life or death?" Grace asked me confused, "It's a dare, you can back out," she told me with a frown.

    "Because it's Allie," Lily said in reply, "She's the most stubborn and proud person I've ever met."

    "I can't help it, alright?" I spat at both of them.

Yes, I was a very stubborn and proud person. Those two things always got in my way and managed to get me in problems, no matter what. I crossed my arms over my chest and sat back down, losing my appetite.

    "Well then.." Grace sighed heavily and looked at me, "We have some shopping to do."

Wait what?


I scowled at the mirror in front of me and looked at my reflection in distaste. Squirming uncomfortable at the clothes that clung to my body like a second skin, that I hated and wanted to rip off me.

    "Are you finished?" The impatient voice of Lily called from the other side of the door, in the changing- rooms. I was currently in Forever 21, that both of them loved so much and trying on tons of clothes.

    "I look like a complete slut." I complained.

There was a moment of silence, when her answer came, "You're wearing jeans..."

    "Yeah!" I exploded back, "That seems to stick on me like a second skin!"

I heard both of them groan at the same time and some whispering or low talking going on.

    "How can you look like a slut in a pair of jeans that cover your legs?" Grace asked slowly, and I could just imagine her rubbing her hand over her face, exasperated.

I opened my mouth to reply, when nothing came out and I didn't have anything to say. "What about this top?" I told them, and referred to this ridiculous crop top, that showed most of my stomach.

    "You don't have a toned stomach for nothing, Allie!" Lily put in exasperated, "It's meant to be shown and admired!"

I stared disbelieving at the door, separating us and back at the mirror. "It looks like freaking underwear!" I said loudly.

    "It's sexy!" Lily defended it, "Now get the hell out of there!"

    "No!" I refused and stood my place. No way if I was going out of this room dressed like that.

    "Allie," She warned slowly.

I crossed my arms and glared at the door, "I said no."

    "Fuck this shit," I heard someone mutter, when suddenly the door was flung open and Grace and Lily stood on the other side, staring at me with scowls on their faces.

    "You look good," Grace assured me, before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the dressing room.

I tried to cover my stomach and navel, by crossing my arms over them, but Lily would have none of it and pried them away with force.

    "Stop it," she demanded with narrowed eyes and I reluctantly complied, but with a sour expression on my face and glaring at both of them.

    "Oh don't look at us like that," Grace rolled her eyes at me with a look. She exchanged looks with Lily, when both of them suddenly nodded and went into the dressing room and carried out all of the other clothes that I hadn't tried yet.

I could feel a little hope rising up in me, that they were dropping the whole thing.

    "What's going on?" I asked, a little hopefulness in my voice.

    "We're buying it," Lily replied with a shrug as my hope sank away and my eyes bulged out of my head.

    "What?!" I shrieked at her, "I don't have money for all of that!"

    "No, but I do," she assured me with a smirk.

    "You can't use your money on me!" I refused harshly, not wanting anything from her without a good reason.

    "Oh please," she scoffed in reply, "My family has more money than life itself. It would be a relief to get rid of some of it."

    "But still!" I protested, not wanting those shorts, skirts, crop-tops and worst in my closet.

Lily whipped around, as Grace made her way to stand in line, sending me a fierce glare that made me flinch, "I'm buying it, and that's it."


    "Dear, what happened to you?" My mom asked me the moment I stepped in the door with a tired expression, and tons of bags hanging on my arms. She quickly helped me to take them off me with raised eyebrows.

    "A stupid dare..." I muttered in reply and got into the kitchen, and slumped down on the chair with a sigh.

    "A dare?" She repeated confused, and I nodded sourly. "What kind of dare, if I may ask?"

    "Nothing you need to know," I replied, rolling my eyes.

Her hands went to her hips, and she stood her ground, looking at me with searching eyes. "I do think I do, when my daughter that I raised, suddenly comes home dressed like that," She gestured to my new clothes that I complained about in the store.

    "Mom not now, please!" I groaned and put my head on the table. Just wanting to relax after a day of complete torture.

She let out a sigh and shook her head softly, before walking around me and began to take food out of the fridge. "Alright, I'll let you go this time, but don't think that you're so lucky next time." She replied.

    "Fine by me," I grumbled.

    "Will you get your father for me? He's in the study."

With a complaining groan, I dragged my butt off the chair and made them go up the stairs, thinking why my life was so messed up at the moment..





if you liked the chapter guys! Thank you and this is not edited! xx Do any of you mind to check out my video on the side? <3

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