YTTD - Chapter 27

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Passing back through the school gates, I saw the parking lot was already beginning to fill up with students chilling with their friends by their cars. Different music coming from various places. A few cars drove out filled with students, probably to the McDonald's nearby for some lunch. Most people were probably in the cafeteria or 'backyard' of the school, where tables and benches were placed.

Avoiding a few people who stumbled past me in laughter, I quickly jogged up the steps and back inside the school. It was always so loud during lunch, it had caught me off guard during my freshman year. But after nearly four years I've gotten used to it. Passing by my locker, I made my way into cafeteria and saw Grace and Lily sitting at our usual table already. They both looked up at me when I sat down and put my backpack on the chair next to me.

"Where did you go?" Grace asked while taking a sip of her water bottle.

I grabbed the Twix bar from my bag and waved it at them. "Craved some chocolate."

"Aw man, why didn't you buy me some?" Lily whined out.

"I wouldn't have the money anyways," I replied and broke half of the bar and giving it to her. Her face lit up as she accepted it.

Grace simply shook her head at us before continuing to dig into her salat bowl mixed with what looked like chicken. "Here," she suddenly said and pushed a sandwich in my direction.

I took it in surprise, before narrowing my eyes at her. "What do you want?"

"What makes you think that?" She questioned in amusement.

"You never buy me food just because," I said warily.

Grace raised an eyebrow. "I always buy food for you."

"Okaaay, that true," I admitted after some thought. "But I'm still suspicious."

"Just eat the damn thing," she rolled her eyes as I sent her an innocent grin in thanks before beginning to unwrap it.

"I like your sweater, is it new?" Lily asked as she munched on the chocolate.

In reflex I looked down at the sweater, as if forgotten what I was wearing in the first place, before shrugging but smiling in gratitude.

"Thanks, mom bought it the other day. Said it reminded her of me," I chuckled at the memory.

She was probably trying to get back on my good side after the few tense weeks between us. And I didn't say it wasn't working. If there was one thing I liked as much as food, it probably would be free clothes.

The less money coming out of my own pocket the better, if you ask me.

"What?" I asked when I saw the satisfied smile on Lily's face as she looked at me.

"I'm so proud of me," she suddenly sighed as Grace and I snorted simultaneously.

"Wait what?" Grace laughed. "What are you talking about?"

"Am I the only one noticing how much Allie has changed her fashion sense?" Lily pointed out at my clothes. "And it's all because of moi ," she grinned in satisfaction.

I rolled my eyes at her and took a bite of my food. Now that she mentioned it, I had actually changed a lot fashion wise. I no longer simply wore jeans and a hoodie to school with my three year old sneakers. But rather switching it up with different styles, and sometimes even wearing skirts. Like today for example.

"But if it weren't for my drunk self and the dare, we never would have gone shopping," Grace suddenly retorted with a small smirk.

"Oh my god, stop it," I laughed at the two of them, quickly changing the subject. "But hey, I just met this really cute guy."

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