YTTD - Chapter 3

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     The rest of the day went by in a blur, as I tried to get the fact that Santana Rodriguez actually asked me to join the cheerleader team. Like, in person. I mean how many people on this earth get this privilege?

I let out a breath when I exited the school doors, and sucked in another breath of fresh air. I could spot the familiar forms of Grace and Lily by the end of the parking lot, waiting for me.

    "Hey guys" I greeted them and pulled the strap of my bag tighter around my shoulder.

    "Sup babe!" Lily grinned, "How was English?"

I groaned at the reminder of homeworks until tomorrow. "Stupid teacher giving homeworks.." I muttered.

    "Well," Grace said, "I guess it didn't went that good."

    "No shit," I replied, before letting out a sigh. "Sorry, let's just go.." I told them, as we made our way out of the parking lot, and down the sidewalk.

I was too tired to bother and talk, so I got my earplugs out and started to listen to music, without actually listening to it. Why would something so small, as a request to join the cheerleader team bother me so much?

Oh misty eye of the mountain below,
Keep careful watch of my brothers soul,
And should the sk-

I jumped when my earplugs were suddenly ripped out of my ears, and Lily and Grace blocked my path in front of me with narrowed eyes.

    "What?" I asked them confused.

    "There is something wrong with you." Grace said. It wasn't a question, but a statement.

    "Why would there be?" I brushed it off easily, and walked past her, only to get my arm grabbed by Lily.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at her. "What?" I asked irritated

Lily rolled her eyes back at me, and narrowed her eyes again, just like before. "Don't 'what' me, Allie Miller." She said sternly, her dark blue eyes loosing the twinkle and staring up at me fiercly.

    "We know there is something wrong with you, so spit it out before I make you do it myself." She snapped.

    "Nothing!" I denied loudly with wide eyes .

They both exchanged looks before turning back to me exasperated, "I'm fine, okay!" I grunted and pushed past them forcefully.

    "You know.." Grace trailed off softly, "I know that the last year is always hard, so if you struggle or something, you know you can come to us for help and not other things, right?" She told me seriously, and I stared at her disbelieving.

    "What?" I replied confused with furrowed brows, when it suddenly clicked. "Are you thinking that i'm taking...drugs?"

She held her hands up in defense quickly. "I'm not judging you alright, i'm just telling you that-"

    "For gods sake, i'm not taking drugs!" I sighed loudly at her, while Lily snickered on the side.

    "You're not?" Grace asked me confused.

   "Of course not!" I replied, and shook my head before continue walking. They both caught up to me on each side.

    "Then what's wrong?" Lily asked me.

I stopped again and turned to face them, with hands on my hips. "Why do you even think that something's wrong?"

They both scoffed in sync, "Please darling, I've known you since freshman year and she's known you since kindergarten." Lily replied with a smirk.

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