YTTD - Chapter 17

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When I agreed to become friends with Nate Ashton, I didn't expect it to become the number one gossip around our school not even a week later. We were lucky to make amends the day before the book presentation as Mr. Adams didn't hesitate to give us an A when we were done. I'm pretty sure he was very close to give us an + as well because we managed to actually not kill each other. He was actually that happy, and the bright grin he sent us whenever one of us walked past was getting creepy as hell. But when Ashton said to be friends, I always thought that meant not annoying each other whenever we met. So not actually interacting in the hallways. 

So imagine my surprise when I was on the way to my locker in lunch, and he suddenly strolled up beside me and slung an arm around my shoulder with no care in the world. 

"What are you doing?" I said in surprise and glanced at his arm around me. 

"Hanging out with a friend," he replied casually. 

 "Stop that," I hissed and pushed it off me. "People are looking."

His eyebrows rose. "So what?" 

"I don't exactly want your crazy fangirls to eat me alive either."

"Crazy fangirls?" He repeated, and I could hear the hint of humor in his voice.  

"Like you haven't noticed," I rolled my eyes. 

Arriving at my locker, I banged the left side twice and it popped open without a problem. 

"Impressive," Ashton stated as his eyes were on my locker. 

I shrugged. "You learn a few things after three years."

"But I do not have fangirls, I'd rather call them admirers," he suddenly returned to the previous topic.

"Admirers who look at you like a piece of meat?" I smirked. 

He returned it smugly, "Like you wouldn't want that."

I stared blankly at him. "Sorry, I don't roll that way."

His smile fell at my words and I had to stop my grin of satisfaction threatening to break out on my face. 


"Thanks, I try," I shrugged in reply as I closed my locker and clutched my books to my chest. Turning back to face him, he was leaning on the wall next to me, hands in his pockets while observing the people mingling in the hallway. Taking a closer look at him, he was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, ripped at the knees. A white t-shirt was paired with a denim jacket. I hated to admit it, but Nate Ashton had better fashion than me. 

"What are you staring at?" he asked me, and I heard the smug tone to it. 

"You," I replied bluntly and I was satisfied to see that he was taken aback. 

"Like what you see then?"

I resisted the urge to scoff and simply smiled in amusement. "That's the most used line ever."

"Says who?" he retorted. 

"Says all the girls you've ever spoken to," I smirked and watched as he narrowed his eyes at me. 

"I don't like you right now," Ashton stated and crossed his arms. 

 Tilting my head, I observed him for a few seconds. "Are you sulking?" 


"Yes you are."

"No i'm not."

"You're such a liar," I finally let a laugh out. "Nate Ashton is actually sulking. How cute."

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