YTTD - Chapter 8

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  I was sure that I would loose my breath any moment now as I got my feet to run the fastest I have ever done in my life to get to school in time. I didn't even want to know how my hair looked after all that running, and didn't stop before bursting into the school doors and speed walked to my locker. The nearer I got, I could make out two forms leaning on them.

   "Hey guys!" I sighed in relief, seeing Grace and Lily.

    "What happened to you?" Lily asked, looking me up and down.

   "Overslept," was my simple answer as I pulled out my math books. I tried not to grimace by the state of my locker, seeing old crumbled papers everywhere before slamming it shut.

    "You never sleep in late," Grace stated and sent me a look just screaming 'explain'.

    "Yeah I do, everybody sleeps in late," I replied shrugging.

Lily scoffed in disbelief, and I just ignored her by searching around in my bag for my pen, trying not to look at them. 

    "Are you angry at us or something?" Grace asked warily. I sent her a confused look. 

    "Why would I?" I questioned. 

Her shoulders sagged in relief. "Oh good, since because of the dare and everything. I thought it was getting too much for you," she explained. 

Rolling my eyes, I replied, "It has barely begun," I said. 

    "..but something is still bothering you," Lily cut in, while we walked down the corridors and I narrowly moved out of the way when a kid with a stack of books walked past that were higher than his head. 

    "And look at you!" Grace exclaimed, putting her hands on my shoulders and stopping me. She started to pat my hair and flat it with her hands. 

I let out a huff and stood still, letting her do her thing with me. I flinched and hissed slightly when she ran her fingers through my hair and tugged hard at it. She mumbled a sorry, before messing around with it for a few more seconds and nodded satisfied. 

    "It's just that I stayed up late last night and didn't get that much sleep.." I explained quickly, and tugged the strap of my bag closer to my shoulder. 

    "Bullshit," Lily stated with a straight face. 

I sent her a look, "What about you? Huh?!" I exclaimed and pointed a accusing finger in her direction. She held her hands up and eyed my finger warily. 

    "What about me?" Lily asked confused. 

This time I smirked. "Well there was this small rumor about you and Levi having some fun you now," I replied shrugging, and her eyes widened, confirming it. 

    "I-uh-I d-don't know what you're talking about," she stuttered. Grace rolled her eyes at that. 

    "Most likely," she muttered in reply and I snorted. 

    "Are you really trying to hide it from us?" I asked Lily with a raised eyebrow. 

    "So what if I made out if someone?!" she exclaimed at us. "It's not like i'm not at age either."

    "Well, you did do it in a janitors closet," Grace put in with a small shrug and Lily turned to glare at her, while I snorted. 

    "Don't try to make this about me and not you!" she accused me with a point of her finger. 

    "Why did you sleep in?".

    "I was tired," I replied flatly and both of them rolled their eyes. 

I noticed Grace just sigh and give up by trying to get an answer out of me, before she fished out her phone and began scrolling through facebook from my line of vision. 

    "Anything happening?" I asked her and looked over her shoulder. 

    "Nah not much, oh wait! Cat fight!" she grinned and scrolled up to the old comments and I noticed that it was over 100 of them and just didn't bother to read all of them while walking in the hallway. 


    "Huh?" before I knew it someones phone was shoved in my face, and my reaction was to push the hand away with a yelp. Glaring at Grace, I took her phone and looked down to see an activity feed of someone. That someone being me. What stood there made me freeze and look helplessly up at her. 

Nate Ashton and Allie Miller just became friends

    "Is this why you didn't get any sleep?"

    "Maybe?" I mumbled and looked down on the floor. 

    "Did you ask him?" Lily asked me shocked. 

    "No!" I exclaimed, "I'm not stupid."

    "He asked you?" Grace questioned disbelieving and I nodded my head slowly and pulled the strap of my bag closer to my shoulder, when I suddenly bumped into someone else's shoulder really hard that made me curse and watch as my bag fell down on ground, my science book sliding out. 

Again a hand picked it up and I followed it to see the one and only guy we were just talking about. 

He raised his eyebrows at me, and there was a small smirk at the corner of his lips, "Allie, right?" he asked. 

I froze, not being able to utter a word. I could see Grace and Lily shuffle away from us at the corner of my eye, "Uh yeah, hi," I replied lamely and cursed inside. 

    "It seems like we need to stop meeting like this," he told me and handed me back my book, which I took quickly and put it back in my bag. I just nodded silently, and forced myself to speak. 

    "So, eh, you asked me yesterday- on facebook," I managed to get out nervously and he looked at me with amusement.

    "I did," he confirmed.

I waited for a longer answer when he didn't continue, "Why?" I got out slowly.

    "Does it always have to be a reason when someone wants to be friends with you?" Nate asked me curiously and tilted his head slightly, which made him look like a cute puppy. 

   "No!" I exclaimed before blushing and talking a little more quiet this time, "I was just..curious," I mumbled and turned to look at the floor. 

He chuckled at me and I lifted my eyes to look at him again, "See you in literature, Miller," was all he said, before winking and walking away, leaving me standing behind stunned at the casual conversation we just had. 

The heck?!


I knooow! Shorter than usual, but the next thing i'm going to write doesn't really fit into this chapter, so i'll have to put it in the next one. 

Thank you for reading! 




-Hanhan xx

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