You weren't always like this

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"Doctor Miller, why am I here?" Bradley asked the middle-aged woman sat opposite him, who didn't answer when she spoke, however asked him a question of her own.

"Brad, what is the first thing you remember?" Brad sat up straight in his chair.

"Excuse me, but my name is Bradley" Brad replied as politely as he could.Dr. Miller knew that she would upset Brad if she didn't use his full name, so she complied.

"Sorry, Bradley. What do you remember?"

"I remember walking my dog. Her name is Jesse" Brad informed Dr. Miller.

"And how long ago was that, Bradley?"

"I was 13 at the time" Brad replied, frowning. "Why is this relevant?"

"Because, Bradley, you've forgotten quite a bit of your life" Brad tilted his head to the side, looking like a confused puppy. "I want to see if you remember what happened"

"Nothing happened to me, I am fine" Brad replied.

"No, Bradley. You weren't always like this, but something happened which changed you"

"I do not understand what you mean, Doctor Miller" The woman sighed. She had never tackled something like this, and there had not been many cases of whatever was wrong with Brad. She couldn't tell him what had happened to him as she hoped that when he remembered what happened, he would react emotionally to the memory. This couldn't happen if he remembered what happened when he did not know how to feel emotions.

"Bradley, you don't quite work the same as other people. There's a part of your brain which has gone dormant, as if it's taking a break from it's job. This is the part of your brain which helps you feel different emotions" Dr. Miller explained. "This means that you have trouble understanding emotion, and you cannot seem to show it either. That's why you are here, you've forgotten how to feel emotions"

"Oh... does one need emotions?" Brad asked. Surely if he was alive and well then he did not require these 'emotions'.

"They're what make us human" Dr. Miller replied to Brad.

"What do you mean?"

"You need to work it out for yourself, you won't understand yet" Dr. Miller stated, smiling sadly at the confused boy. "Run along now, it's nearly lunchtime"


Dear diary.

For breakfast today I had corn flakes, accompanied by some orange juice. After breakfast I had a 'session' with Doctor Miller, which has greatly confused me. She seemed to suggest that I was not human, because I do not feel emotions. I am not sure I understand what she meant.

I have not seen Tristan all day. I spoke to James at lunch. According to James he 'kicked off' and had to be taken to isolation. This is a place where patients are placed to be alone. If he wanted to be alone he could simply have asked me to leave the room, that is the logical solution.

After the 'group session' I met my nurse. Her name is Penny. She is very nice.

For lunch I had a jam sandwich, two cocktail sausages and a banana. I also had a glass of water.

After lunch we had a 'group session'. A lot of the people who attended did not seem to be very logical.

There are some people who do not eat. I do not think they realise they will die if they do not eat. One boy has to touch something with both of his hands, otherwise his hand will feel 'wrong'. He does not seem to realise that his hand is exactly the same before and after touching something. One girl thinks she will die if she does not touch or say certain things. She does not know that it will not effect her health if she does not touch or say something.
It baffles me that people could be so illogical.

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