I think you are rather confused

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^lol look at Brad's face^


A week had passed since the hug, and Tristan had an idea. A very underdeveloped and probably bad idea, but it was an idea all the same. He had decided that seeing as Brad had showed slight signs of annoyance when he didn't let the boy sleep, he would work on making the boy more annoyed. How was he going to do that, you ask? Well, he was going to prank the boy. Tristan hoped that if Brad's annoyance built up then maybe the boy would feel angry too, so thought there was no harm in trying.

His first attempt at pranking Brad was the classic, clingfilm over the toilet seat maneuver. It didn't go down well, seeing as Brad had walked into the bathroom and seen the clingfilm, then walked out and gone to a different one.

The blonde's second attempt was to fill a plastic bowl (which he'd stolen from the kitchen) with water and balance it on the top of the door so when Brad opened said door, the bowl would fall onto his head and drench him. Unfortunately for Tristan, the bowl fell the wrong side of the door and landed on the tall blonde instead of the short brunette.

On Tristan's third attempt, he decided he would have to physically make sure the prank would happen. The lanky blonde would wait until the morning and then pour cold water on Brad's head to wake him up. Only problem was that when Tristan woke, Brad was already up and dressed. Whatever happened to third time lucky?

"He is impossible to prank" The tall blonde whined to James and Connor - well, Davey - over breakfast that day, glaring at the brunette who hadn't yet fallen victim to one of his pranks.

"Or you're just really bad at pranking" James replied, letting his eyes wonder over to where Brad was talking to his nurse.

"I am not!" Tristan whined.

"Maybe ye should try something else, lad" Connor stated in a thick Scottish accent, stabbing his hash brown as if he was spearfishing and the hash brown was his prey.

"But what? I'm trying my best to provoke some sort of reaction out of him but I don't know how to do it" He sighed and shoved some toast into his mouth, feeling rather helpless.

"Maybe you should just leave it, Tris" James suggested, earning a glare off of the tall boy.

"I can't just leave it, James. I feel like I need to do something to help him." The blonde sighed, pushing his baked beans around on his plate with his fork.

"Take a while to think about it. After all, it's not like Brad's going to be leaving here anytime soon. Whatever is wrong with him is serious, and it's not just going to fix itself overnight. You should be your main priority, alright Tris?" the boy sighed but nodded, knowing James was right. After all, how could he expect to be able to help Brad if he couldn't even help himself? There wasn't any logic to that way of thinking.
But Tristan didn't really care much about his anger issues. He was much more intrigued by whatever the hell was wrong with the short brunette.
Which is why on Thursday, the next day, he decided to use his time in the library for the first time since he'd been at the rehab centre. Library time was awarded for good behaviour, so Tristan didn't really get awarded it much. He was only awarded it that week as he had been so focused on trying to prank Brad that he hadn't actually had time to get into any fights with any of the nurses. He never really felt the need to go to the library, so never felt sad about missing out on the privilege anyway.

Once in the library, Tristan signed in and made his way straight over to the computers at the back of the room. He started one up and used his login, before opening up Google. He sat and stared at it for five minutes, wondering how to phrase his words. Eventually, he typed 'how to trigger anger' into the search bar, and pressed enter. Quite a lot of the websites were blocked by the rehab centre as they were deemed 'unsafe', but Tristan managed to find ones that weren't.

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