I think we are lost

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Tristan was excited; they were being let outside. And not just outside as in the garden, but outside as in to the town! Tristan had never earned the privilege of being allowed to go down to the town with the other rehab patients because his behaviour was never up to scratch. However, as he'd been so distracted with Brad he hadn't actually had a lot of time to mess up, and therefore he qualified to be able to go on the trip.

He bounded through the corridor with a grin on his face, not remembering the last time he actually left the grounds of the rehab centre. It's been too fucking long.

Yes, he had left to go to the hospital a few times, but he didn't really count that seeing as he was still under the care of the rehab and he was stuck in a different stupid medical place until he was shipped back to the centre. But now, now he could actually be like a normal teenage boy and spend his Saturday at the shops. "You ready to set foot outside, Bradley?" Tristan questioned, nudging the brunette who looked up at him and frowned slightly. Yes, the fact that Brad was going may have been one of the reasons why Tristan was so eager to go on the trip; he figured that if Brad went into a normal environment then it might help him. The blonde didn't know how, because he was definitely not qualified, but he was hoping for the best.

"Yes I am. You are very..." the shorter boy paused, trying to think of which emotion the older boy was displaying. "...Happy, Tristan"

"Of course I am! We're leaving that stupid dump for an hour or two. Might run away though, who knows." Nurse Danielle turned and gave the blonde a stern look, causing him to call "Joking, Danielle!" She scoffed and turned away from the boy with an eye roll.

"You had better be, Mr. Evans" Tristan's smile fizzled and died, then he stomped behind Bradley and huffed. He didn't like how one word could effect him so, but he couldn't exactly help his reaction - the nurses were meant to know not to call the tall boy by that name, anyway. He guessed that she was just trying to get on his nerves. What a shit nurse, she shouldn't use that name against me.
Tristan didn't like being called by his surname - a surname was used to tie you to your family, show everyone who you belonged to, and Tristan refused to be owned by the horrible man society would call his father, but he would call Satan.

"Tristan? We are leaving" Snapping out of his thoughts, his blue eyes focused on Brad's brown ones and he smiled slightly. He stepped next to the boy and started walking after Danielle, another nurse taking up the rear to make sure nobody would try to do a runner; it'd look awfully bad if they lost one of their patients. "What were you thinking about? I assume you were thinking"

"I was, but it doesn't matter" Tristan stated, before questioning "Have you talked to Connor or James recently?" The brunette shook his head, not noticing how the blonde watched his curly hair bounce in satisfaction, remembering how soft it was from when he had his head rested on it only two nights before.

"I haven't spoken to them since you last spoke to them." The short boy stated, before turning towards the taller boy "Why, should I have spoken to them?"

"No, not really, I was just wondering if you had" The older boy informed him, before growing silent. Neither James nor Connor were allowed on these trips. Well, Connor wasn't allowed on them when he was Davey (long story short, Davey had gotten him banned from most of the shops in the little town) and Connor just didn't have an interest in going, so didn't bother. James on the other hand was currently 'too unstable' to go to town, and had been since he had arrived at the rehab centre. Poor James Tristan thought he never seems to be making much progress. Then again, none of us do. The one who has made the most progress out of us four is Brad, and he's still insanely messed up.

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