Needs to take that chill pill

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Tristan woke at 5:34am with a sick feeling in his stomach. Doubt and paranoia were swimming around in his mind as his thoughts drifted to the events which would take place later that day. So many things could go wrong, but life would be so much better if things went right. It was a big risk, but Tristan couldn't spend anymore time in that stupid place, especially knowing that Dr Miller was a psycho and had access to Bradl- all those patients. When he got out, with Brad and Jonnor, he could try and make the outside world aware of the fact that the Doctor was a piece of shit.
Another piece of shit Tristan needed to expose was his dad- God, that man didn't even deserve that title. The only reason he was in there in the first place was because of that fuckface. Well, his anger probably also played a part in it, but his anger issues wouldn't be as bad as they were at that point if it weren't for that man. The thought of showing everyone the truth brought a smirk to Tristan's lips. He could not wait.
But, that would only happen if their escape plan worked and, knowing Tristan's luck, it probably wouldn't. But hey ho, what was the harm in trying? You know, apart from all the dire consequences Dr Miller was bound to set...
These thoughts, and ones like them, circled around Tristan's head until he heard the bell go off for them all to wake up, making a groan leave his lips, which turned into a scoff when he saw Kevin leap over-enthusiastically out of his bed, as if living in a mad house was the best thing to happen to him.
God, there is something wrong with that guy. Well, there is with everyone in here, but he's extra wrong.
"Morning Tris, my dude! Today is such a good day already."

"It's about to get a lot better." Tristan stated, raising from his bed slowly.

"Cause of breakfast?" Kevin questioned, and Tristan almost wanted to start laughing. How pathetic, Kevin only had breakfast to look forward to. No, Tristan was onto bigger and better things.

"No. Because soon, I'll be a free man. You see, I'm leaving here, and I'm never coming back. Good riddance, Kevin, now you won't be able to annoy me anymore."
Silence followed that statement, which surprised Tristan slightly as he figured that Kevin would ask more questions about what he meant. Fortunately for the lanky blonde, the surfer stayed quiet and didn't bother Tristan with his annoying voice, instead choosing to leave the room. Tristan ignored his odd behaviour, much like he ignored the rest of humanity for that morning. He was just too busy thinking to bother paying attention to anybody, letting his mind float around in a daydream state until he snapped out of it at lunchtime when James kicked him in the leg under the table. Before he could voice his pain, James asked: "Ready?"

"I-" Was Tristan ready? He wasn't so sure. The theory behind running away seemed perfect, but there was still something holding him back - would they all be able to heal themselves without proper medical help? They had talked about going to a doctor's practice to see if they could get some drugs to help them through the self-healing process, but Tristan was worried they'd get shipped back to the mental health centre, if not that one then a different one. He wanted to disagree at this point, but how could he? He was the one who had suggested running away in the first place, he was the one who was putting all his friends into trouble by making them come with him. How would he look if he showed his doubt? No, he couldn't do that. He had to be strong. Putting on a brave face, Tristan spoke confidently "I am. Are you?"

"Yes, I think so. Con?" James questioned, turning to the brunette who nodded, his eyes fixed on the table. Connor was just as worried as Tristan was, and wanted to voice his anxiety, but he couldn't bring himself to try. Talking made him so tired and at this point, he knew that he would go regardless - James was going, and Connor wanted to be where James was, because James was his source of happiness, the thing which made him think that he could keep going, the person who made him feel like an actual human rather than a nutcase. James made him want to be alive. Connor slid his hand into James' larger one, feeling reassured when it gripped his tightly, then nodded, trying to look confident.
Nobody spoke after that, all three of them just ate their lunch in silence, then went to their individual sessions before heading back to their rooms for the few minutes before dinner. It was weird, for all of them, to think that in a few short minutes they'd be leaving the centre; they'd grown used to it being the only thing in their lives. But it was something to be happy about, Tristan concluded when he reached his room and flopped down on his bed. There were loads of doubts and risks, but the end goal, if achieved, would be so much better than being stuck in the centre. He was excited - because despite the doubts, he knew he could finally be free to live as an individual and he could get on with his life. He wouldn't have to follow strict schedules or put up with shitty nurses anymore, he'd be free to do as he pleased. The fact that he'd be living with the only three friends he had left was also something of an exciting thought, even though it would be difficult to do, seeing as all four of them were as messed up as each other.
Maybe Tristan could even get himself a relationship. Now that was a scary thought. Tristan had never had a proper relationship before, but he had always wanted one; the thought of having somebody who knew and understood him better than he did himself seemed comforting, he'd always wanted somebody to properly see the world through his eyes. Maybe getting into a relationship would help that.

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