Get in loser, we're going shopping

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James was the last one left. Nurses were stationed outside his door at every hour now, seeing as they knew that James was close to the other three boys who had all disappeared and they didn't want him to follow them, especially seeing as they'd already caught him attempting to leave. They couldn't lose a fourth patient; they'd be shut down, for sure. James figured that they'd managed to keep the disappearances quiet so far - he wasn't even sure the police knew. He hadn't seen them around. He would call the police himself, but he had no idea how to do that seeing as he didn't have access to any phones and the nurses had to lock theirs in their lockers when they started their shifts. James wasn't a lock-pick extraordinaire.

When James had been caught trying to escape to find Connor, he got sent back to his room, which he was locked inside of. He'd picked up the letter from Connor and re-read it, this time reading until the end. Of course Miller had something to do with Tristan's kidnapping. She hated Tristan. But there was something that didn't make sense - James assumed that Brad had been kidnapped by the same person who had Tristan, so why didn't they give him back to Miller? If Miller wanted Brad all to herself, then why didn't she collect him from the kidnapper and drag him back to the rehab centre? She could have easily tricked him into thinking she'd rescued him from a kidnapper, rather than he'd been kidnapped by her accomplice, so she wouldn't have been in danger of being found out. And why would she want Connor gone, too? Surely she wouldn't, because the disappearances were going to be noticed soon and the rehab centre would be shut down for lack of security. It just didn't add up to James. He definitely thought that Connor was right about doctor Miller having something to do with Tristan's disappearance, but he didn't think the whole thing was doctor Miller's plan. There had to be something more. Something he was missing. But what?

The thought circulated around his mind for the whole day, even when his sister Sophie came in to visit him. She questioned what he was thinking about and he didn't reply, simply staring into space for about a minute before he even registered that she'd asked him a question. Did he tell her? She was his sister, he trusted her with his life... but could he trust her with the life of his friends? She'd do anything for him, but she didn't even know them, she had no obligations to get herself into trouble for them. But Sophie was probably the only person who would help him, and he needed somebody on the outside to set his escape plan into motion. Taking a glance around to make sure nobody was listening (each conversation was meant to be monitored, but most of the nurses trusted James so didn't bother to listen), he leaned in close to his sister. "Something bad's happened."

"What is it?" Sophie questioned, her perfectly shaped brows furrowing in curiosity.

"Tristan got kidnapped. I have no idea how, Brad came out and told us he was stabbed by this crazy guy called Kevin and then the next thing we knew he was gone." James explained, watching his sister gasp slightly and put a hand over her mouth. He gently lowered it, whispering an instruction for her to act naturally - he didn't want anybody to suspect they weren't having a normal conversation. "Brad decided he was going to look for him and left. He didn't come back. And then I had a fight with Connor-"

"A fight with Connor? But he's mute! How did you two have a fight?" Questioned Sophie, earning a sigh from James.

"Connor's made some progress - he's started saying a couple of words to me every now and again. After Brad left, Connor suggested that we follow to help him. I said we shouldn't because we didn't know where to start and it was a stupid idea. I worked him up loads and he switched to Davey and-" James stopped slightly, frowning. Connor had hit him, but if he told Sophie that, she'd take it the wrong way. How did he explain that it wasn't Connor's fault? That the boy he loved would never intentionally lay a finger on him? He couldn't. He didn't want his sister to think badly of the boy he loved.Not even Connor would understand James for saying that the hit was fine, that it didn't matter to him at all. "and he stormed off. Later I found a note from him to me explaining how he'd gone to find Brad and Tris. Thing is, the note said something about one of the doctors here." James paused to make sure Sophie was following the story, and the brunette nodded, telling him to go on. James quickly glanced around again before continuing his explanation. "She's called Doctor Miller and she's a massive bitch. She has this weird obsession with Brad and the fact that he has no emotions. Tristan found out she was trying to stop him from getting his emotions back so that she could study him, so we made a plan to run away - Tristan got stabbed before we could."

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