At least I'm trying

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Brad ((I wrote that as bread whoops)) was not speaking to Tristan. The shorter boy wasn't sure why he wasn't speaking to the blonde, but after the diary incident, he felt that he shouldn't. So he didn't. For two weeks. James and Connor were getting bored of the constant whinging from their tall friend, who couldn't stand to be ignored by the shorter brunette. Yes, he shouldn't have read Brad's diary but he just wanted to spark some emotion in the boy, not have the younger boy ignore him for years on end. Well, a couple of weeks, anyway. "Do you think he hates me?" Tristan questioned, cutting James off in the middle of his sentence. The older boy rolled his eyes and replied:

"He's Brad, he doesn't know how to hate. But I'm sure he would if he did - I hate you" The younger boy didn't seem the slightest bit affected by the jokey comment, mainly because he wasn't paying attention; he was instead staring intently at the short brunette who had stuck in his mind for the past two weeks. "It's like he's not looking up because he knows I'm staring at him" Tristan stated, causing James to let out a humourless chuckle.

"He probably does, you've been staring at him for two weeks, mate. Just go apologise if you're that wound up about it"

"I've tried!" The hysterical boy whined "He was all like 'I would forgive you, Tristan, but for some reason I can't seem to'" He put on a posh, rather robotic voice whilst imitating the other boy, massively over-exaggerating the way he spoke, as if mocking the younger boy.

"Well you just went up to him and said that you were sorry. You have to show him you're sorry, like buy him chocolates or, I don't know, let him read your diary or something" James suggested, already bored of the conversation as it was one they had been having for two weeks straight. At the start, the oldest boy had more sympathy for Tristan, however now he just wished that the boy would toughen up and do something about it. "I don't have a diary" the blonde grumbled, flopping onto the table. James sighed. Brad's reaction wasn't even that bad...

"T-Tristan, w-what's that you have?" Brad questioned, his brown eyes widening as they fixated onto the diary in the older boy's hands. He took a second, simply staring at the object, as if his brain were trying to make a decision on what he should do. "It's your diary, Brad" Tristan stated, trying to prompt a reaction out of the shorter boy. After all, that was the whole reason why he had the brunette's diary in the first place. But he just stared.
And stared.
And stared.
Until finally, he marched over to the blonde, plucked the diary from his grip and walked out of the room. The tall boy could have sworn he could see a frown on the younger boy's face (and not the usual, confused frown which he had become acquainted with), however decided not to interrupt Brad's actions by pointing it out, just in case he snapped him out of whatever emotion he was feeling.

"He frowned. I wish you could have seen it - there was actual emotion on his face, not just the usual confused frown which seems to be permanently fused to his face" Tristan sat up, looking James right in the eye. Before the older boy could respond, a Scottish accent was heard.

"Y'alright m'lads?" Connor, or rather Davey, sat at the table, smiling at the two boys who broke their gaze, Tristan resting his chin on his hand whilst James internally sighed in relief that their conversation had come to an end. At least, he thought it had. "I'm just trying to help him, and I get no praise for it" The eldest rolled his eyes at the lanky boy's word, causing him to sit up straight with a hardened glare on his face.

"Look, Tristan, maybe you should just leave it to Doctor Miller" Tristan slammed his palms down on the table at those words, not loud enough to attract attention but violent enough to scare James.

"Don't you understand? Doctor Miller is handling this in a shit way, she hasn't gotten any further with getting Brad's emotions back! It's like she doesn't even want to help him!" The boy paused, staring intently into James' eyes to try and convey all of his thoughts and emotions to the other boy. Upon realising that the sandy-haired boy wasn't changing his mind, the lanky boy sighed as he rested his chin back on his palm, mumbling: "I want to help him. At least I'm trying"

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