This will be dangerous

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Surprise motherfucker.


James felt like he couldn't breathe, although he was gasping in as much oxygen as his lungs would allow. He'd reached the house he found from Miller's map, and had found nothing. Almost nothing. He couldn't get into the house, but had managed to find a window at ground level, which looked into some sort of basement. He had peaked in, and couldn't make out much in the dusky room, but had seen an alarming amount of dark patches on the floor, patches James could only assume to be blood.
Sophie had instantly urged James to involve the police when she heard what he'd found, and although James wanted to be sure of where Brad and Tristan were before he got the police involved, just in case the kidnapper found out and did something bad, he knew he had no other choice.

That's why he found himself sitting in one of the interrogation rooms in the police station, stuttering away as if somebody was holding a gun to his head. It took a long time to explain his story, but the police had files on him already because of the kidnapping he had experienced, so it turned out he didn't have to explain as much as he thought he did. He gave the police all the evidence he had, told them everything he knew, and then mustered up enough courage to look into the eyes of one of the police officers to hear what was going to happen next. Disappointment flooded him when he found out.

"Thank you for this information. I trust you have a place to stay?"

"Yes. What's going to happen now?" James didn't have a place to stay, but he figured his sister would help him out with that.

"We're taking this case immediately and will send out a search team to find your friends and follow up on the evidence you have given us. Doctor Miller will be taken into custody, and your friends will be found. Leave it to us." The policewoman gave James a friendly smile, but James could only frown in return. He wanted the police to go and find his friends. He wanted the police to arrest Miller. He wanted the police to put an end to this nightmare. So why did he regret telling them?

"That's- that's it?"

"What do you mean, James?" Questioned the other police officer, a man, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. He didn't look responsible enough for James to hand the lives of his friends to.

"You j-just expect- expect me to just- just go home and sit it out?" He stuttered, flicking his eyes between the two sets looking back at him, frowns on both of the police officer's faces. The woman looked concerned, the man annoyed.

"Yes, James. I'm afraid that waiting is really the best thing you can do at the moment," The woman said, pity radiating from her eyes, which made James flinch. He didn't want pity. He wanted reassurance. He wanted confirmation. He wanted the police woman to let him go with them. And so he told them that, only to receive a scoff from the male officer.

"Don't- don't be like that!" James cried "Those- those boys are my b-b-best friends and I'll be d-damned if I g-give up looking for them n-now- now. Let. Me. Come. Too."

"Kid, that's not how it works," The man stated, flipping his notebook shut and shooting a patronizing glare at James, who felt his jaw tighten. Normally he would be way too scared to show defiance, but right now, with his friend's lives on the line, the only thing he could feel was anger and desperation. "You go home, get yourself out of the way, and let us do our jobs."

"No!" James shouted, standing up from his chair. "I will not! I want to find them! They're all I've had, and I need them!" He continued, mentally cheering himself on for not stuttering once.

"Look here, boy-" the man got to his feet too, but the policewoman interjected, placing an arm in front of him as if she could physically block his anger from reaching James.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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