How dare she accuse me of 'hindering' you

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Guys guys I've screwed up. Basically like I completely forgot that I originally set this book in between Jems' and Brad's birthdays and instead I've been writing that it's winter, so the new ages for the boys are:

Con - 16
Brad - 17
Tris - 18
Jems - 18

Sorry, let's just like forget that I don't know what the fuck in going on in my own book and move on...


Tristan didn't get the hype about Christmas. Why build up so much excitement for one day where you were forced to spend time with people you didn't actually like and pretend to be happy when really you were dying inside? It just didn't make any sense. The public holiday was even worse for him this year, seeing as he was stuck inside of the rehab centre. None of the other patients seemed to care much, either, apart from the ones who lived to see their parents visit them - family were permitted visits on Christmas Day; they were trying to make it seem as normal as possible for the patients. It wasn't normal, though. Nothing about being in the rehab centre was normal, there was no point in trying to make it seem like they were still having Christmas at home, when in reality they were stuck in that prison.
James, on the other hand, was feeling more positive towards the holiday and wouldn't deny being very excited for Christmas. He figured that it'd be a new experience or whatever, Tristan wasn't really listening. Instead, he was busy thinking about ways to escape the impending feeling of bordem which was to come on that dreaded day. Connor was happy, mainly because James was excited and Brad... well, nobody ever really knew with him, but James just assumed that he would be excited if he could be - he looked like the sort of person to get crazily excited over Christmas.

All of the patients had already been informed over what was going to happen that Christmas - they were going to be allowed a lie in of half an hour (how bloody generous, Tristan had thought) and they were going to wake to presents in their rooms. After opening their presents, which had been carefully chosen so none of the patients received anything triggering to them, they would all meet in the canteen for breakfast where they would hear a speech about Christmas or Jesus or some shit, Tristan wasn't really paying attention (But where's the surprise in that?). The rest of the day would be spent playing some games and doing some 'fun' activities, with Christmas dinner in the evening, including Christmas crackers (which didn't actually bang, for health purposes) and a Christmas film, before bedtime, which had been put back an hour for a special treat. Honestly, the lanky blonde would rather they just skipped Christmas, but apparently that wasn't an option. It's not that he didn't like the idea of the public holiday, it's just that reality was always worse than expectation, especially if he was going to be stuck in the rehab centre all day, with Brad for company. God, just the thought of it made him roll his eyes in sheer annoyance. "Tris, wakey-wakey" The blonde boy snapped out of his thoughts, letting his blue eyes focus on Nurse Danielle.

"Huh?" Tristan questioned, looking around at the people in the group session who were all staring at him, some looking bored and some frowning at him inquisitively.

"It is your turn to answer the question" The nurse taking the session informed him, unimpressed that he wasn't listening.

"The... question..."

"Mr. Evans." Wince. "I was asking what gift everybody would ask for on their Christmas list, if they could have anything they wanted" Of course. The blonde boy should have predicted that the question would have been about Christmas. That was the only bloody word Tristan heard nowadays. "You know what I want?" He questioned "What I really, really want?" ((So tell me what you want, what you really really want)) The nurse smiled and shook her head, leaning forwards slightly, ready to receive an answer, which she thought would be serious. But come on, this was Tristan, he wasn't going to willingly participate in the stupid group therapy session. "I want you to learn that you're not meant to call me by my last name, and understand that the next time you do, I'll do a lot worse than punch" The boy stood and exited the room, leaving a stunned silence as the nurse and the group processed what he had just said. The tall blonde didn't even realise that a certain short boy was trailing after him until he had calmed down from his annoyed state enough to take in the sounds of light footsteps.
Whirling around, Tristan came face-to-face with Brad, causing the younger boy to quickly sto walking so that a collision didn't occur. "Why are you following me?"

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