Do you not like Kevin?

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Unedited bc I just want to go to bed


They were ready. After ages of sitting on James' bed and planning out every little detail of their escape and what to do if something went wrong, the boys were ready. They had decided, in the end, it'd be best to escape in the day when everybody was at dinner, as the rehab staff would never expect it in the day and it'd be easier to sneak around, as there weren't watches set up for during the day.
They had written their plan out on a piece of paper, which Tristan was going to give to Brad so he could go over it - he hadn't been able to attend their little 'meetings', seeing as he was under strict guard of Miller.
"Tristan" Brad greeted as the blonde walked into his room and jumped onto his bed with a groan. He was really tired as it was like 3am, but he needed to tell Brad the plan and he didn't really have any other chances to do so.
"I have the plan"

"What plan?" The brunette questioned, shutting the door and walking over to the bed to sit down next to Tristan.

"Oh my. You know what plan!" Tristan insisted, waving the piece of paper in front of Brad's face. "Here, read it"
Brad took the paper and opened it out, then started to read.


1) Jonnor grab the bags whilst Tristan retrieves Brad
2) Sneak down the outer corridors to the back of the centre
3) Enter the garden
4) Run down the side and jump the gate
5) Run away'

"This seems very... simple"

"That's because it is, dear Bradley" Tristan replied, letting his eyes fall shut as he got himself comfortable on the brunette's bed.

"What if something goes wrong?" Brad questioned, staring down at the blonde who didn't bother to open his eyes. He was tired.

"Don't worry, we've already made a list of all the things that could go wrong and how to deal with them." Tristan reached down into his pocket and grabbed another piece of paper, before handing it to Brad.

"Do we have a place to live?"

"Yeah, James used his library privilege to find somewhere. It's strangely cheap and we'll be able to afford it with the money I have at first, then with the income that James and I will get. We'll have to stay in a motel or something at first, though, because we need to actually hire the apartment and get everything sorted. It's all worked out" Tristan explained, opening his eyes to look at Brad, who was staring down at the escape plan with a frown on his face. Tristan wished he wouldn't frown all the time, he didn't like to see Brad frowning. Well, he didn't really like to see Brad looking straight faced, either, not that he had much choice - he just thought that neither expression suited his baby cheeks well, as if Brad's face wasn't made to frown.
Brad turned to look at Tristan, who sat up straighter.
"What is it?" Tristan questioned, knowing that something wasn't quite right. The younger boy didn't speak for a while as he stared into the blonde's eyes, then gently questioned:

"What if I don't want to go?"
Tristan spat out a scornful laugh at the words.

"You're kidding, right?" Brad remained silent. Tristan's face contorted into an angry frown as he realised that the brunette wasn't going to take back what he had said. "Why would you not want to go?! Are you crazy?! If you stay here, you might as well just die because at the moment, you're not properly living! Don't you understand?!"

"Tristan, please refrain from shouting at me." Brad spoke calmly, no... robotically, looking straight into the blonde's eyes. Tristan started to wonder if he ever really made any progress with the younger boy. "Is it not in my best interest to stay here and get the help they are offering me?"

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