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"This is where she lives?" Sophie questioned, looking at the house the taxi man had dropped them at. James nodded in response. "But it looks so- so- so ordinary. Surely if she was some sort of psycho then she'd live somewhere weird."

"I don't think she is a psycho - she just really wants to get credit for Brad's case study. Whoever she's working for is most probably the psycho. Come on, we need to take a good look before she gets home." James said, taking Sophie by the hand and pulling her in the direction of the gate leading to the back garden.

"I should wait here," Sophie announced, pulling her hand out of James' grip. "Keep a lookout, just in case."

"Okay - check out the front of the house whilst you do." Said James, turning away from his sister and walking over to the gate, which he found to be locked. He rolled his eyes - of course it wasn't going to be unlocked - and reached his arms up, jumped to grab hold of the top of the fence and pulled his body up. He hadn't been to the gym in a couple of weeks so his arms didn't thank him for the unexpected exercise, but he managed to swing his legs over the tall fence and drop down the other side. Now, he was pretty sure that doctors were meant to be clever, but that thought went out the window when he tried the backdoor and found it unlocked. Stupid Miller. Not that he was complaining - he most definitely was not complaining.

The house looked fairly ordinary. The kitchen was an organised mess - everything was in its place, but Miller had overflowing mail piles and dirty dishes by the sink, ready to be washed. James had been expecting it to be ordered and overly-clean, like knock-out-hospital-disinfectant type clean, but if Miller really was part of the kidnap plan, then he guessed her life wasn't as perfect as he'd thought it would be. But nothing was how James thought it would be. He thought that he'd get through rehab quickly, not making any friends but not needing to because he'd be out and back with his old friends in no time. He thought he would already be back on track with his life, after all he was nearly 20, but he wasn't. Nothing was how he thought. He couldn't complain about the making friends bit, though - if he hadn't, he would never have met Connor, and he would never have fallen in love with him. In some strange, fucked up way, James was glad he'd been kidnapped; he wouldn't have Connor if he wasn't.

The rest of Doctor Miller's house was the same - a messy sort of organised. James checked every room, every crevice, every nook and cranny, but he saw no evidence of the three boys he yearned to find. Eventually, he accepted that they weren't there and decided to start snooping for information on where the boys could be. He made his way back to the study he'd found and sat on the spinny chair, staring at the landline phone. Did the kidnapper call her on that phone? James could imagine Miller sitting on the chair he was sitting in, talking to the kidnapper on the phone whilst frantically scribbling down bits on information onto different coloured post-it notes. She seemed like a post-it note sort of person.
James started to shift through the post-it notes on the desk, and then through a pile of papers, trying to put everything back how he'd found it so Doctor Miller didn't realise somebody had come snooping. James was sure she must have written down where the boys were, or at least something which might help him, but where had she put it? It wasn't on the desktop, it wasn't in her drawers and it wasn't stuck to her monitor like some others. It was hopeless, James was never going to find the boys.
Slumping in the chair, James rocked himself to and fro slightly, wondering what to do next. He was still stuck at square one, no idea what he was meant to do to work out where to go next. It's not like Miller had drawn him a map.

James pushed himself to the side, ready to get up to leave, when his thigh brushed against something underneath the desk. Frowning, James got off the chair and bent down, looking up at the bottom of the desk to see something taped to it. He took hold of it and pulled it off the desk, got back to his feet then sat back down in the desk chair. He opened the paper and smoothed it out, glancing over it to see a map of the area, with bright red markings drawn on. There was a circle around what James assumed to be Miller's house, one around what looked like the rehab centre and another around a random house... the kidnapper's house? Was this where Brad, Con and Tris were being kept? It had to be. It just had to. Miller didn't need to draw James a map - she'd printed one out and circled where he needed to go in bright red highlighter.

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