Are you about to suggest we rob a bank?

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^I always get confused with which pictures I've used and which I haven't so if I repeat them I'm sorry whoops^


"It's never going to happen, nurse Kelly."

"Tristan, just think about it! She's your sister"

"I know who she is" Tristan snapped, turning around to glare at the nurse "But that doesn't mean I'll change my decision. I won't see her, end of story"

"Tristan!" The nurse called as the blonde stormed down the hallway, completely done with the conversation. He just wanted to get back to his room and lie on his bed, where nobody would bug him about anything. But wait, he couldn't do that anymore - Miller had given him a new roommate, Kevin.

"Hey roomie!" Kevin called, cheerily, as Tristan walked into the room. The lanky boy stopped and turned his head to the side to glare at Kevin.

"Stay the fuck away from me"

"Bad day, huh?" Kevin questioned, pushing his dyed turquoise hair out of his eyes as he watched Tristan flop onto his bed.

"You don't know the half of it"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not with you." Tristan muttered, his face buried into his pillow. Honestly, Kevin was worse than Bradley, and Bradley was fucking annoying. Tristan found himself missing the brunette - Even Brad wasn't as bad as just-call-me-Kev.
"That's cool man, I respect that. You can come talk to me anytime you want though, bro, y'know?"

"Stop talking before I rip your head off"

"Alright man, that's chill with me" Kevin replied in his surfer-dude voice, also flopping onto his bed and letting his eyes fix onto the ceiling. There was silence for a while. Well, if you could call the five-seconds-in-which-Kevin-could-keep-his-mouth-shut a while then yeah, a while.
"Dude, what did your nurse want?"

"None of your business"

"That's cool man." Kevin replied, before sighing. "You know, mine wanted me to start doing extra sessions."

Why does Kev the Surfer Dude think I care about his life?

"I told her nah, can't deal with that. Those nurses have no chill, dude, no chill at all" Kev sighed again, letting his arms flop down to the mattress.

"Neither do I"

"Nah man, you're so chill!" Kev exclaimed, rolling onto his side to beam at Tristan, who glared back at him.

"Then explain to me why I'm on the edge of snapping your neck?" The lanky boy questioned, turning his head to the side to give Kevin a sarcastic smile.

"Woah dude, maybe you do need some chill. I could play a song if you want" The surfer reached for his guitar and Tristan's eyes widened. No, I cannot be tortured by him again.

"No don't!" Tristan jumped up from the bed and grabbed the guitar, wrenching it out of Kevin's grip. "I haven't recovered from the last 'song' you played me"

"That's chill dude, it's chill. Tell you what, though, this one is a banger, man. Been working on it all week" Kevin stated, proudly, leaning back and clasping his hands behind his head to support it. Tristan put the guitar down and straightened up, before wrenching open their bedroom door. Kevin instantly sat up, a concerned look on his face. "Woah man, where you going?"

"Nowhere. Go to sleep, Kev" Tristan hissed, before exiting the room. He didn't think he could spend anymore time in there with that boy, even if he was dead. To be honest, he'd probably rise from the dead just to pummel the surfer and burn his guitar.

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