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8:36 AM

"So how does this all work?" I asked, sitting on the bed in the doctors office. "How do I not go through withdrawal systems and still not drink alcohol?"

This psychiatrist had a dry personality- no matter how polite I was.

"These." Dr. Humphrey spun around in his chair, handing me a pill. "You'll take one every morning when you get here. No taking them home with you."

"Why not?"

"Because even though you're an alcoholic, you're an addict. These pills are giving you a bit of a high to help ween you off...but some people take advantage of that, and sure it prevents you from drinking, but then you're addicted to pills."

"Oh...makes sense." I nodded, staring at the pill, taking the small cup of water he offered me.

"So, you're just in the morning program I see?"

"Yeah. I have school in the afternoon...and then my fiancé at home. I couldn't go away to this was basically my only option."

"Well, we'll do our best to help you. You're not as far off as some of these other patients are."


"Yup. How much would you say you drink a day, Justin?"

"Um..." I thought for a moment, staring ahead instead of at him. "I really don't know..."

"Just try an estimate."

I sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

I am so thankful that Bella isn't here.

"Probably a bottle a day. Liquor, not beer."

"You're not driving yourself home today, are you?"

"No, my fiancée is coming to get me later."

"Okay. Well, your attendant should be waiting for you outside to take you to meet your counselor."

"Alright, thanks."

I pushed myself up off the table, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Okay, Justin. You were assigned to Dr. Crawford. He's a really nice guy. Easy to talk to." Greg- the nurse helping me out today- said.

He was a male nurse for crying out loud.

"We'll see about that." I mumbled, following him down the hallway, watching as he knocked on the door to the open office.

"Dr. Crawford, I have Justin Bieber here to see you for his first day of therapy."

"Hi Justin, it's nice to meet you, I'm David."

"Hi." I said, sitting down, watching Greg close the door behind him. "What exactly do I have to talk about in here?"

"Well...what do you want to talk about? Why are you here?"

"Because my fiancée told me she wouldn't marry me if I didn't get help." I admitted, shrugging my shoulders.

"So, you're not here because you want to be?"

"I do." I sighed, slumping down in my chair and resting my chin in my palm. "I was sober for a while...and then...well I wasn't."

"We can talk about your fiancée if you want. What's her name?"

"Isabelle...I call her Bella though."

"Why do you want to marry her? What's your story?"

"Our story is very long. Too long for an hour session." I mumbled, sitting up a little straighter.

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