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11:39 AM
Day 7

I finally have a routine down, or I've adjusted anyway. I woke up every morning at 7 AM and got dressed for breakfast that was at 7:30 and usually lasted an hour. After that, I went to my doctor and got checked out for the day. They've taken blood twice now, so I have a nice bruise on my arm from that - you couldn't see it because of my tattoos, but I felt it. After the doctors I either had group therapy or my one on one therapy, and my one on one therapy time differenciated depending on the day. Sometimes I have it in the afternoons, but when I didn't they had workshops for us to do - and some training in the gym. That's pretty much what I've been doing since I've been feeling well enough.

I was actually hoping that the day would slow down, because the minute I got to free time was the minute I got to call Bella.

My hands were clammy just thinking about it.

What if she didn't answer? What if she didn't want to talk to me?

I can't really blame her.

The other part of it was, I hadn't told anyone about what happened in the chapel a couple of days ago. I didn't really know how to say it...and I didn't want Nash and Gina to think that I was crazy, but something happened.

I've gone to the chapel every night since that happened.

But the weirdest thing happened last night when I got back to my room after working out.

There was a bible sitting on my bed. No note or anything. It was just there.

I knew some of the stories from my mom growing up, but I've never read through it.

The fact that it ended up in my room thought meant someone saw me - and it probably came from someone running this place.

My mind automatically went to Brent, but I hadn't seen him yet today to ask him about it.

Speak of the devil, he rounded the corner as I was walking to lunch with the good book in my hands. I had every intention of starting it at lunch today - if Gina shut up.

"Hey, Brent!" I caught up to him, holding the bible in my hands and held it up. "Did you put this in my room?"

"Err...yeah." He said, nervously rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "I saw you in the chapel the other day, and I haven't seen you with a bible or anything, so I got you one of the ones from the back and slipped it in your room. I didn't mean to intrude or put myself somewhere I didn't belong-

"No man, it's okay." I shook my head, hitting him lightly on the arm with my palm. "It's fine. I appreciate it. I just...I don't really know where to start, or if I'll understand it."

"It's okay. You probably won't right away. Just start from the beginning and if you have any can find me...I help with a bunch of the chapel stuff here."

"Okay, cool." I nodded, glancing down at it in my hands before I continued talking. "Yeah...I have a lot of questions actually...I haven't talked to anyone about it."

"What are you doing tonight during your free time?"

"'s the first day I can call my fiancee," I took a deep breath, the thought alone making my stomach sour, anxiety creeping through my veins. " I really want to do that. Can we try to get together tomorrow night?"

"Sure thing. I'll see you later then."

"Okay, I'll see you." I nodded, making my way into the dining hall. I was a bit nervous

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