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March 1st

I stretched myself out as I woke up from the night's sleep I've had. It's the first time I've slept through the night in ages. I can't remember the last time I slept this well, and I know it will probably be the last time for months.

I turned on my side to look at Justin, smiling at his sound asleep figure, one arm curled under his pillow to hug it to his face with his other draped above his head. His lips were slightly parted, his breathing even and for the first time in what felt like months, he actually looked like he was sleeping peacefully.

"Happy Birthday." I whispered, pressing my lips lightly to his temple and ran my fingers through his hair before I slid out of bed.

The man didn't move a muscle. He was out cold.

I glanced at the time, seeing it was just after 8 and went of to my dresser drawer to pull out a pair of knee high socks before I tiptoed out of the room.

Unfortunately, the plans I had originally had for his birthday got a little messed up considering we had a baby not even a week ago. 

I made my way into the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee that would actually have enough for the both of us, then opened up the fridge, grabbing the carton of eggs out and shut it with my hip.

The difference between Justin and I when it comes to the kitchen...I tend to leave a trail and not exactly clean up as I go...where as believe it or not...he leaves this place pretty much spotless.

I planned on making him chocolate chip pancakes this morning, and I'm praying I do it right...but I'm the baker between the two of us. I'd consider pancakes as close to a dessert food as they are breakfast, right?

I grabbed the rest of the ingredients, sipping away at the mug of coffee I had fixed myself while I started cooking.

Then I heard the familiar sound of Justin's feet skipping down the stairs, my head quickly turning to see him with one hand in the pocket of his sweatpants while he ran the other through his hair.

"Good morning, birthday boy." I beamed, setting down my mug and leaned back against the counter.

"Good morning." He smiled back, followed by a cute chuckle, wrapping his arms around me and kissed my cheek. "Buttercup...what are you doing in the kitchen?"

I watched his eyes scan over the counter before they landed back on mine, a blush creeping up my cheeks due to the mess.

"Making pancakes. I know it's messy," I sighed, running a hand through my pony tail before I stood back up on my tiptoes and pecked his lips. "I'll take care of it. I know what I'm doing with these."

"Oh yeah? Must've been taught by someone really smart." He teased, grinning against my skin before resting his head on my shoulder. "How'd you sleep?"

"Great. Best I have since I got a bump almost 7 months ago. You? You looked very peaceful when I woke up this morning."

"I had trouble falling asleep, but after that it was good...When do you want to go and see Lina?"

"We can go after breakfast if you want...we kind of have plans later so it probably wouldn't be best if we went in the afternoon, but I want to see her."

"When later? What are we doing?" I felt his breath against my ear, making my heart skip a beat from the simple gesture.

I felt really great today. The best I've felt in a while, and I know it has to do with it being his birthday and wanting to make him happy. He's only been home a little over two weeks, but it felt like we were back in the best spot we'd ever been in today.

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