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6:47 AM

"Justin, come on. Wake up." I said, pulling the covers off of him. "We have to leave in like 45 minutes."

"Go without me." He mumbled, pulling the covers back and turned on his other side.

"Justin, what is wrong?" I sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Come on. You have to go to treatment. You're almost done."

"I don't want to go. Seriously, just leave without me. I'll drive to my own classes later or something."

"No, because at the rate, I know you won't go at all." I reached over, running my fingers through his hair. "Now what is going on, baby?"

"Nothing," He turned so he could look at me on his back, closing my eyes while I brushed his hair off to the side. "I just...don't have much motivation today I guess."

"Even more reason for you to go." I moved my hand so I cupped his cheek, my stomach doing a lurch when he overlapped it with his. "I know there's more to it than that."

"I've been thinking a lot...I didn't sleep much last night...and I just woke up really sad."

"It's okay to have a sad day." I assured him, kissing his cheek."But not going to treatment is only going to make it worse. You know that. And you start basketball tryouts tomorrow. Please get dressed. You know you can get away with sweatpants and no effort. You don't even need effort."

"You're funny." He sarcastically replied, kissing the side of my hand. "I don't think it would be bad to have an off day."

"Justin, you can have an off day when you're done treatment. You have a week and a half left. Now let's go."

"Five minutes." He whispered, letting go of my hand.

"'ve hit your snooze button for an hour straight now."

"That's because I don't want to get up."

"You have to." I tried to be firmer, holding back my disappointment.

"I don't have to do shit."

"Okay, well now you're just acting like an ass." I snapped back, standing up and started walking out of the room. "Throw away your 7 weeks of work. I'm going to school."

With that I headed downstairs, opening up the cabinet and got my vitamins down.

I needed eat something...and then I guess I would leave.

"Good morning, baby." I smiled, running my hand along my stomach. "How are you doing in there? Are you ready to kick yet? What do you want for breakfast?"

I opened up the fridge, grabbing a couple of eggs and a green shake that I had made last night.

He had maybe 30 minutes before I headed off to class and skipped the treatment center all together.

I cracked the eggs against the side of the pan, debating on whether or not I just leave the yolk in or not.

"Need help with that?" Justin said from behind me, making me jump where I stood.

"No. I got it." I told him, shaking my head.

"Do you though?" He chuckled, taking the shells from my hand and put them in the trash can, afterwards washing his hands at the sink.


"Baby..." He sighed, sliding his hands on my hip. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"You're doing so well. I just don't understand why it's this far in and you don't want to go."

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