Chapter Four

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Lia's POV

Harry. Edward. Styles. Billie. Jo. Armstrong. Oh. My. Gosh.

Billie's POV

"Girls, this is Harry Styles." I grinned. Harry held out his hand, while all three of their eyes were wide and their mouths agape. Jessica was the first to come alive and shake his hand. Maggie and Lia didn't move, and Harry laughed. "Starstruck, are we?" he teased. "Easy, Styles," I warned, "this one's a Harry girl." He smiled his award-winning smile that cause girls to faint. "Really, now?" he asked. Lia grinned sheepishly. "Well..... Yeah....." Maggie spoke up, "I'm Maggie. Your admirer here, the ginger," Lia shot her another glare, "is Lia." Jessica piped up, "And I'm Jessica!" Harry's smile grew even wider.

Lia's POV

"Ah. Nice to meet you all. Are you a Harry girl as well?" He was directing his question at Jessica. She shook her head, and his smile faltered. "Nah. I like my boys Irish. I'm a Niall girl." Harry laughed. He turned and called out to someone in the crowd. "Li! Liam! Come over here!" Liam?! I thought, THE Liam?! Sure enough, Liam made his way over to us, and appeared to have been in the pool awhile. Liam smiled. "Who are these lovelies?" I grinned. "I'm Lia," I introduced us, "the blonde is Maggie and the brunette is Jessica."

"Are you three coming to the concert?" Harry asked. I nodded. "Yeah, Jess bought tickets. But Maggie's only here for Green Day." I rolled my eyes for dramatic effect, and I heard Jessica fail to stifle her laugh. Maggie stepped on my foot, but with all the "ginger" stuff she said, she deserved it. But Billie's grin stretched from ear to ear. "Well, would you like to come meet the rest of the guys?" He asked Maggie. Her eyes grew wide and she nodded, speechless. He laughed and they linked arms and strolled off into the crowd.

"Aye, mate!" None other than Niall Horan came up and slapped a hand on Harry's shoulder. I felt Jess tense behind me. "Niall!" I said, maybe a little bit TOO eager, "I'm Lia! This is Jessica! I got her into One Direction and well you're her favorite!" I babbled until Jessica pinched my elbow. I flinched and shut up, but fought the urge to laugh. Harry smiled and coughed, turning away, not covering his laugh very well. Niall, on the other hand, smiled and held his hand out for us to shake.

"Nice to meet you girls. Hey, Jessica..?" He formed it like a question, making sure he got her name right. She nodded. "Yeah?" She said sheepishly. "Wanna go meet Louis, Zayn, and Perrie?" She shrugged and smiled, but I knew better; on the inside she was screaming and ecstatic. "Sure. Is Eleanor here too?" Jess asked. Niall shook his head. "No, but she's coming to the concert, so you may see her there. Are you coming?" I nodded. "Yeah, us and our friend Maggie. A ginger, blonde and brunette. What a trio, huh?" Niall laughed. "Is that the blonde with Billie?" I nodded. "Oh, okay. Well, Jessica, let's go."

That left me, Harry, and Liam alone. Liam cleared his throat nervously. "Well, uh, I'm gonna leave you two alone and go find Dani; she was supposed to come." We gazed at him, with puzzlement and confusion written on our faces. He raised his hands as if to fend us off. "Hey, don't look at me like that! She's bringing Loki!" Ah. Loki. Such a cute dog. "Okay, okay, we won't judge. For now." Harry said and shot Liam a look that I couldn't quite decipher. "Yeah.... Well.... Nice to meet you, Lia." He raised his hand to wave and turned. "Nice to meet you too!" I called.

Just me and Harry now. Alone.

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