Chapter Fourteen

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Lia's POV

I sat bedside of Maggie. I watched the heart monitor go up and down, silently willing her to wake up. "Please Maggie." My whisper was barely audible. I prayed constantly, day and night for her recovery for the past two days. Jess and I had to go back home in three days, and while Maggie's mom reassured us it was fine, I wanted to be here when Maggie woke up. Apart from the fact that she was my best friend and I wanted her to be okay, I also wanted her to wake up so I could figure out who did this to her.

"Lia?" Harry knocked on the door. "Come in," I said softly. He came in and sat next to me. "How's she doing?" Harry asked. I sighed. "Same as yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that." He put a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be fine, love. I promise. I bet she'll wake up by tomorrow." He grinned hoepfully, and I offered a small smile at his optimism. "Hey, let's leave for a bit. Liam's about to pick up her mum from the airport." I nodded and stood. The nurses came in as we left.

"So. Where should we go?" Harry asked. I shrugged; I didn't really feel like doing much. Harry understood my silence. "Why don't we go back and order pizza and laze around?" He suggested. "Yeah, sure." He drove us back to the hotel and I put on some pyjamas and sat on the couch; the day before, we had checked out of my, Maggie, and Jessica's room and moved in with the boys and their girlfriends. "So, Lia. TV?" It's like Harry should almost remind me to breathe. I nodded. "Sorry," I apologised as he channel surfed.

"Sorry? For what?" Harry asked. I shrugged. "For being so out of it." He took my hand and squeezed it. "Hey, it's fine. I don't mind and it's totally understandable. Look, I think you need to get some more rest." Now that he mentioned it, my body felt heavy and tired. "Yeah, maybe I should."

Harry's POV

Lia went to lie down again. I could tell how drained she was. And as much as I wanted to have fun with her and spend more time with her, this issue was more important. I called Billie. "Hello?" My anger rose a little. "Billie? Where the *** have you been?" I demanded. "Harry, man, chill. I've been busy, thats all." I heard a girl giggling in the background. "What is wrong with you? You lead Maggie on like that then you disappear before your movie double date with her, Jess, and Niall, and no one hears from you. Turns out you're with some slut the whole time?!" I yelled. Lia came out into the living room. "Harry? Calm down," she begged quietly. But I couldn't. I knew my reputation as a "womanizer", but none of it was true. But Billie said it anyways, "Don't you talk to me about that! What about you, ladies man? You sleep around!"

"I do not!" I practically growled. "Those are all lies and you know it! Gosh, you're an idiot! Maggie's awesome. When she wakes up in that hospital wondering where she is, she'll remember what happened then we'll have to tell her about you!" I heard Billie gasp. "Hospital?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. If you weren't sleeping around," I said sarcastically, "you'd know and you'd be here. But now we get to tell her what an ******* you are!" I hung up before he could respond and threw my phone.

"Harry?" Lia stepped toward me timidly. I forgot she was there. I crossed the room in two steps and punched the wall. I clenched my fists, ignoring the pain, and stepped back. Lia stared at the hole, then ran to our room.

"Lia?" I called into the room; she was no where to be found. I stepped toward the adjoining bathroom and tried the door. It was locked. "Lia?" I said softly. I heard sniffling. "Go away, Harry. Please. Stay away from me for awhile." I stared at the door in wonder. "What? Wh-- Why?" I asked in bewilderment. "Harry. You're temper......" Oh, I realised, I scared her; I reminded her of her stepdad. "Lia, I'm so sorry. I have a bad temper... I was mad at Billie. I'm sorry I scared you." Silence. "Babe, please open the door." I heard her sniff. "Babe?" She asked. I ignored it and tried to open the door again. "C'mon, Lia. Let me in." She unlocked the door.

I opened it, and she was sitting on the floor. I sat beside her and pulled her into an awkward hug; she was tense but finally relaxed and hugged me back. "Please don't do that again," she begged. I tilted her face up to look me in the eyes. "Never," I promised her.

And I kissed her.

Lia's POV

I broke away from the kiss first when the phone rang. "Uh.... I should get that," I said and ran to grab it. "Hello?" I answered breathlessly. "Hey, Lia." It was Liam. "Uh.... Maggie's awake. She's asking for you and Billie...." my breath caught. "I'm on my way." I rushed to grab a change of clothes as Harry tried to calm me down and make me tell him what's happened. "Lia!" He whined as I shoved him out of the room. "I'll tell you after I change clothes!" I promised.

"Okay," I said as we headed out the door a few minutes later, "Maggie's awake. Liam called me and said she is asking for me and Billie." At the mention of his name, Harry tensed. "That's why I got mad earlier. Billie ran off with some girl and has been staying with her for the past two or three days." My eyes widened. "Oh, he is SO dead!" I clenched my teeth. Harry laughed then; I hit my head on the top of the car, killing my bravado. I laughed along with him and got in the car.

"Maggie!" I exclaimed when we reached her room. She was indeed awake; she was sitting up, eating. "Lia!" She looked around me to Harry. "Where's Billie?" Jessica asked; she had been standing silently by the door. "Yeah," Maggie said, "where's Billie?" I looked to Harry for help. "Well, uh.... He won't be around us anymore..." Harry tried. Maggie's face got serious immediately. "Where's Billie, Harry? Lia, I want to know!" She was talking to both of us. "Um, well, do you know what happened to you?" I asked. She nodded. "Yeah, the police have already talked to me. I remembered who did it. But I'll explain it all in a minute." I sighed. "Okay. Well when you were attacked, Billie seemed to disappear. I honestly thought it could've been him who'd attacked you, even though I couldn't think of a motive." Part of that was true. I thought I could tell Liam was starting to like Mags too; it'd be competition for Billie, and I figured that could be a motive.

"Anyways. He's been staying with some girl ever since you've been in here." Harry interrupted, mumbling, "Sleeping around," and I gave him a warning glare. Maggie stared into space. "Oh." She said simply. "He was a douche canoe, anway, Maggie. I didn't like him from the start," Jessica said, coming to stand by me. I nodded in agreement. "So. Let's not talk about that. Who did this to you?" I demanded. Maggie squeezed her eyes shut. I gasped in realisation. "Christian," I whispered.

He Saved MeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora