Chapter Nineteen

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Lia's POV

Everyday, Harry made sure he drove me to school. Friday, the last day the boys were visiting, caused a long, quiet, solemn car ride to school. He pulled in the parking lot by the band room behind the school. We sat there for awhile, neither of us wanting me to get out of the car. "Lia, I'll miss you. You know that, right?" Harry asked, taking my hand in his and breaking the silence. I nodded; I didn't trust my voice to speak. Harry and I had only been official for two days, and now he had to go again.

"Lia, you know I'd stay longer, but-" I interrupted him. "Haz," I choked out, "I get it. It's your job. I just need to cope and deal with it like Perrie and El." He squeezed my hand and I looked up at him, tears forming in my eyes. "Lia, I'll only be gone, far from you, till Christmastime. If you wanna have Thanksgiving with my family, you can," he said, trying to make us both feel better, "And we could all go to New York for New Year's." I nodded. "Sounds good. I just hope you can come to a band concert. This year, our Christmas concert will be huge." He grinned. "Well I gotta go. We still gotta pack a few things and we wanted to get some souvenirs in the local Walmart." I chuckled, then looked down.

"I'll miss you. A lot," I said softly. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "I'll miss you, too. I'll text you before we leave and when we get to our next stop. I'd text you between, but I will probably sleep. If I don't, I'll text you the whole way." I nodded and got out of the car. "I'll reply when I can," I promised. We smiled at each other as he pulled out and left. I stood there for a minute, then turned and walked into the band room.

Harry's POV

I gripped the steering wheel, refusing to cry. After leaving the school, I pulled into a gas station and just sat there, memories of Lia and I and our time together, our texts, FaceTimes, and inside jokes playing over and over agin in my head. My phone dinged, and the notification said "Lia (: <3 Miss you already. Talk to you when you land. Love you." Wait, I thought, what?

Lia's POV (before he got the text from her)

My fingers hovered over the send key, thinking twice about telling him I love him. Sabrina, a fellow "ginger" in band, appeared behind me, poking my sides where I'm ticklish and made me jump and squeal. She laughed. "Kaylie needs the solo book," she explained, "and Mr. J doesn't know where it's at, so we were hoping you or Christie did." I shook my head. "No, but we better find it, 'cause he never printed mine off; I've been using the book this whole time." She groaned, then looked at my phone in interest and grinned. "Texting Harrrrry?" Sabrina teased and I rolled my eyes. "Maybe," I said simply.

Kaylie came from behind her. "Hey, Molinfairy wants you, Sabrina." Sabrina threw her head back in exasperation. "UGHH!" I chuckled and shook my head. Kaylie just rolled her eyes. "What'd I miss?" Kaylie asked as I set my phone down to pick up my flute. I shrugged. "Eh, Harry left for the airport, the flute book's missing, and I'm considering telling Haz I love him in my text," I rambled super fast. Kaylie's eyes widened. "Whoa, what?" I sighed, but she grinned and grabbed my phone. I was scared of his reaction and what he would say more than anything, so I didn't really object when she pressed "Send" and handed my phone back.

Harry's POV

Without thinking, I typed, "About time, love. Aha :D I love you too :*"

Lia's POV

Before band started, my phone vibrated on the music stand. Without looking at it, I shoved it in my pocket and ignored it until lunch. At lunch, I pulled it out with Instagram, text, and Twitter notifications. I sighed and decided to save reading Harry's text for last. Very last. So I checked Twitter and Instagram. The usual stuff, comments and mentions from One Direction fans, and they and the boys all mentioned Maggie, Jess, and I in their pictures and tweets. Jessica sat down next to me and offered her apple. Maggie sat down across from us. "Hey, are you gonna eat?" Jessica asked. I nodded, still going through the notifications. I sat my phone down after resetting everything, still not reading Harry's texts, and went to get lunch.

When I sat back down, Maggie and Jess were both eating and looking at their phones. "Have the guys texted you?" Maggie asked. Embarrassed, I shrugged. "Have you?" I asked. Maggie nodded. "Yeah, all of them except Zayn, who apparently fell asleep and hasn't been awake enough to be coherent." I laughed. "I think Perrie texted me. I'll check in a minute." I tried to postpone looking at the text from Haz as long as I could. Perrie really had texted me, and had sent me a picture of Zayn drooling. I laughed and reluctantly went to the notifications from the guys on Twitter and Instagram.

"I'm gonna miss my girl! Can't wait for Thanksgiving, babe. I miss you so much already! I love you!" I read the caption to the picture so many times, I thought I'd memorised it. What? I thought to myself, feeling wildly confused. It was hard not to read the comments, but I knew better; at least a few had to be hate, so I figured it was in my best interest not to look at all. At a glance, though, they seemed fairly positive as curiosity got the best of me and I skimmed the tweets and comments. (The Instagram picture was connected to his Twitter.) I gathered the courage to finally read his text.

"About time, love. Aha :D I love you too :*" it said. Oh my gosh, I thought, Harry Styles from One Direction said he loves me. And I love him.

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