Chapter Ten

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Maggie's POV

Lia and I woke up around the same time and began to clean up from the party. "Happy birthday, Lia!" I greeted her enthusiastically. She smiled a small, tired smile. "How late did you and Harry stay up?" I asked as I opened a trash bag. She shrugged. "He fell asleep quickly, but the party kept me up. I eventually had to sleep in his closet. It's a huge walk-in," she explained. "Oh. So how does it feel to be sixteen?" She laughed. "It actually feels like every other birthday, minus my stepdad." I looked at her sadly and dropped it.

In about an hour, we had cleaned most of it; we just had to do the dishes. "I say Jessica does the dishes," I suggested. Lia nodded and flopped onto the couch. "Hey, I say we go search out a place that has donuts then I'll treat you to Starbucks," Lia said. "What? No, you don't have to-" Lia cut me off. "I want to. My treat. Let's get dressed," she said in a tone that said "don't argue, do as I say".

I changed and met her by the door. "Ready?" Lia asked. I nodded. "Wait," I said before she could open the door, "Let's make sure no one's out there," I insisted, talking about fans or anyone else who might recognise us. "Of course." She looked in the peep hole, the opened the door just enough to stick her head out. "All clear," she finally said. We stepped cautiously into the hall, then made a mad dash for the elevator, just in case.

We were able to leave the hotel without incident. We found a nice donut shop and got two dozen donuts. Then we went to Starbucks and Lia ordered two banana mango smoothies. "Banana mango?" I asked. She shrugged. "I like it, and it's Harry's favourite drink from here." I rolled my eyes and ordered a plain fruit smoothie. "Hey, Harry snap chatted me. How'd he get my snapchat?" Lia asked. "I mayyyyy have gave it to him...." She elbowed my side. "Ow! Hey it was either that or your number! He can get that on his own," I said.

Lia laughed and snap chatted a picture of the smoothie. I looked over her shoulder as she typed, "Got your favourite!" I grabbed my smoothie and we walked to the car. My phone went off, and I looked at it and groaned. "What?" Lia looked at it. I sighed. "My ex, Christian, is harassing me about all the One Direction dating stuff and saying how much he loves me, blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes. Christian was a real pain in the butt.

When I first moved to Kentucky, he hated me for no reason. Then we became practically inseparable; we were the best of friends. Then we dated and broke up, so we hated each other again. Then we were friends, now we hate each other. We had just started to be sort-of friends when I left for this concert stuff with Jess and Lia.

"Oh. So, Billie?" Lia asked, changing the subject. I felt my face get hot. "Yeah. What about him?" I said nonchalantly. "You all dating yet?" I smiled and shrugged. "Sorta.... I mean, we act like it and we've been out, but we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend officially." Lia grinned. "Yet," she said slyly. I punched her arm before getting in the car.

Lia's POV

Christian. Ugh. We were friends, I guess. At least when he acknowledged my existence. Oh well.

"Aye, love," Harry greeted me in the kitchen. "Donuts? Starbucks? What's the special occasion?" Harry said cheekily. I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Cause I can," I shot back. He laughed. "Hey, I get free Starbucks. I'm not complaining." I shoved his drink at him and sat on the couch with my donut. A few minutes later, he joined me. "Has anyone said anything to you?" He asked. "About what?" He shrugged. "Never mind. Forget it. You'll see later." I pouted. "Harry Edward Styles," I warned, "you better tell me." He pretended to zip his lips. "Ugh!" I said in exasperation and went to the bedroom.

A couple hours later, after surfing the web and checking in with my stepdad (who I couldn't seem to find), Perrie rushed in. "Lia! What are you doing?" I looked down. I was comfy in my sweats and was enjoying being lazy. "Um, relaxing?" I tried. She scoffed. "Ha! Nice try! I've been looking for you everywhere! We have a birthday surprise planned and I'm giving you a make over! Get up!" She grabbed my arm and jerked me off the bed.

"What? A.... What?" I stuttered. She dragged me into the bathroom and began to work on my hair while Dani came in and did my makeup. "Guys, I have nothing to wear, though!" I was worried because it seemed like such a big deal; I hadn't got anything dressy the other day when we were shopping. Danielle said, "Hush, you'll make me smear my masterpiece." Excuse me? "El is bringing your outfit now, hun," Perrie said more gently.

"Gosh, El!" I said, looking at what she picked out while Dani waited on my mascara to dry a little. She picked out the dress I'd got, which I had totally forgot about, and black converse shoes with a small hand bag. "This is all too much, guys. I can't believe it all. I just.... I don't know what to say..." El laughed and put a hand on my arm. "How about, I'll wear it?" I laughed and changed. Perrie ran to get hairspray, fretting about my hair, as Dani put the final touches on "her masterpiece."

Someone knocked on the door, followed by, "Hey, can I come in?" It was Liam. Perrie sprayed my hair and the girls left. "Whoa," Liam said. I blushed. "Watch it. I don't need Dani after me." He laughed quietly. "Yeah, sorry. I'm your escort, birthday girl. You almost ready?" Liam and I had grown so close; it was so weird. It's hard to explain, but we were like brother and sister, basically, after that talk a few days before.

"Yeah, just let me spray some perfume." I grabbed the perfume Perrie let me borrow. Yes, it was Our Moment.

"Okay. I think I'm ready. But I need a guy's opinion." Liam turned from the door. "About?" I looked down at my feet. "How..... How.... I...." He crossed the room and tilted my face up towards his, so I was looking him in the eye. "You look fine. Oh, wait. Close your eyes." I did as he said and he smoothed in part of my eye shadow. "There. Now you look stunning." I blushed again and he held his arm out. I linked my arm with his and we walked out.

We got downstairs, bypassing only a few fans, and we left in a limo. "Where are we going?" I asked Liam. He winked at me. "It's a surprise. Sorry." I huffed. "You don't look sorry," I mumbled, and he laughed. "Well I'm not your date," he said with a sly smile as the limo came to a stop. "Date? Wait then who is?" Someone opened the door on my side.

"Evening, Miss Lia. And happy sweet sixteen." Harry reached for my hand.

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