Chapter Twelve

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"Hello?" Lia called out softly.



Lia's POV

"Maggie!" I screamed and lunged to her; she was laying on the ground, bruised. Her clothes were torn, and her hair and makeup was so messed up she was nearly unrecognisable. "Lia?" I helped her sit up. She was timid and weak. "Shh," I hushed her gently, "Mags, you need to save your energy. We gotta get you to a hospital." Harry and I lifted her gently to her feet and we started walking, with her leaning on us for support.

After only a few feet, Maggie almost collapsed, so Harry carried her in his arms. Since he did this, we were able to move faster out of the woods. After what seemed like an eternity, we got to the car and laid her gently across the back seats; at this point she was unconscious.

I decided to call Liam first, since he would likely be the only one to know where we were. "What did he do?" Liam demanded before I could say anything. "Wha-- What?" I asked, bewildered. "Harry. What did he do? Leave the check for you? Blew up in your face? Flirt with someone else? Let you--" I interrupted his rant. "Liam! Chill! I'm not calling about him," I explained, "it's Maggie. Where's she at?" I interrogated slyly without revealing what happened. "I dunno," Liam said, "Jessica said Maggie was supposed to meet her, Niall, and Billie.... Well, I guess it'd be about an hour ago. Why?"

I sighed. "Well, she's not with them," I said cautiously. A moment passed before he said, with a hint of worry in his voice, "Well. Are you gonna tell me where she is?" I took a deep breath. "She's with us. Something happened. I don't know what, but it looks like she was attacked." Liam gasped. "Oh my gosh! Is she okay?" I turned to look at her in the back seat. "She's looked better. We're taking her to a hospital; she's not cautious. I think Harry's driving back to Jacksonville now. Will you meet us there?" Harry nodded silently, agreeing we are going back to Jacksonville.

"Yeah I'm leaving now." Click. "Liam's meeting us there. Should I tell the others?" I asked Harry. His brows furrowed in thought. It was really cute, I decided. "Nah, we can make sure Maggie is okay then tell them. Then we'll wait till she wakes up, find out what happened, and then we'll go back to the hotel."

Harry's POV

I increased speed as we neared Jacksonville. We finally reached the hospital and Liam met is in the lobby. He took her from my arms. "I've been here about ten minutes, so I told them to go ahead and get a room ready." A nurse brought a wheelchair and helped Liam lower Maggie into it. They took her away to examine her, and we sat nervously, for what seemed like an endless amount of time, when finally the doctor joined us.

"Doc, how is she?" Liam asked before the doctor even sat down. "She's suffered trauma to her head and has internal bleeding near her stomach. We'll have to do surgery to flush out the blood and repair whatever is causing it." I reached over and squeezed Lia's hand. "How long will she be unconcious?" Lia asked, nearly choking on tears. The doctor sighed and shook his head. "It could very easily become a comatose case. It's hard to tell." Lia took in a sharp breath. "I'll call her mom and the others. Her mom can fax anything you need for forms. She's 16, though, so I don't know what you'll need."

"Give me her mom's number, and I'll do it. You're obviously a close friend of hers. You shouldn't do it; you may not be able to handle it." Lia clenched her jaw but said nothing. Lia got up and walked outside. I followed her. "Lia What are you doing?" I asked softly, standing behind her. "I'm calling the others. I can handle a lot of stuff. This is something I can."

Lia's POV

Stupid doctor, I thought, he has no clue what he's talking about. I started with Jessica. "Hello?" I heard music in the background. "Jess? Move somewhere; I can barely hear you!" The music slowly came to a stop, and I guess she went outside. "Lia? Shouldn't you be with Harry? Where are you?" I took a deep breath. "Jess. Don't panic," I warned, "and don't overreact."

"Okay. Lia, I'm about to spaz out. Spit it out." Harry squeezed my shoulder as I fought back tears. "Maggie....." I felt my throat tighten. "Look, Maggie was attacked by someone or something. Come to the hospital." I heard keys jingle. "I'm coming now!" I hung up and Harry took my phone and I wiped away tears that were streaming down my face. I turned from Harry, but he pulled me back to him in a hug. He kissed the top of my head. "Go sit with Maggie. Let me do this." I nodded and sniffed.

Harry's POV

I searched through Lia's contacts for the others. I called the boys, but I couldn't get ahold of Billie for some reason. I walked back up to Liam and Lia, who were in standing outside of the operating room. "They just took her back," Liam said. I took him aside. "Look, I think this is too much. I'm gonna take Lia back to the hotel." Liam nodded in understanding. "She needs rest," he agreed, "I'll call you when she comes out or when she wakes up." I agreed and lead Lia out of the hospital.

Liam's POV

"She'll live, won't she?" Lia asked quietly and timidly before she left. "Of course," I assured her. I vowed not to let anything else go wrong. I'm sure Harry did too.

He Saved Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें