Chapter Fifteen

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Lia's POV

When I realised who hurt Maggie, fury boiled inside of me. "CHRISTIAN?!" Liam demanded. Harry had told him about Christian, and Maggie had told Liam and Harry of her history with Christian. Before we could say anything more, the nurse came in. "Margaret," she said, calling Maggie by her first name, "the doctor had decided to let you go a day early."

Liam's POV

We helped Maggie out to the car, and the whole ride to the hotel, I stewed over the fact that Christian hurt Mags. We got up to the room with no encounter with fans, surprisingly. But when we got to the room, Harry, who was leading the group, stopped us. He motioned us to be quiet. That's when I noticed our door; it was standing open. We could hear someone moving stuff around inside. Lia said something to Harry, who shook his head, and they began to have a heated argument in whispers. Finally, Harry stepped aside, holding Lia's purse. Lia held something far out in front of her. "What's she doing?" I whispered to Maggie, who was standing beside me.

"See... She has this permit and a license and registration to pack a handgun in thirty two out of fifty states. She's was eligible when she turned sixteen, and completed all her classes and met all necessary qualifications when she turned seventeen," Maggie whispered, attempting to explain it to me. "So basically she had a gun and is legal?" I asked, trying to simplify it. Maggie nodded, and turned her attention back to the open door. "Harry!" Niall whispered loudly. "Go in there!" Niall gave Harry a push towards the door.

Harry's POV

I walked towards the door slowly and cautiously. The noises had stopped a little after Lia walked in. I was worried, but at the same time I wasn't because she had her handgun. I slowly opened the door wider.

"Lia, come on. You know you don't want to shoot me." I recognized Christian's voice. "You're right. I don't. But you're just insane. Teaming up with my stepdad to pretty much kidnap me and Maggie?" The voices were coming from our room. "We aren't kidnapping. We're simply bringing you home." This voice I didn't recognize. "It would be against our will. Ergo, kidnapping." I heard quick heavy footsteps. SLAP! "You'll do as we say!" the unknown voice bellowed. I busted open the door. "

A man I didn't know, the owner of the unrecognizable voice, grabbed Lia in a headlock and held the gun to her head. "Look, I don't know who you are, or what in the heck you want, but you need to let her go and leave. Now." I said with a surprisingly calm voice, "No one needs to get hurt today."

"You're right. So we'll just take Maggie and Lia and go."

"No." I said harshly and took a couple steps forward. "No, I won't let you hurt her any more." He chuckled. "So, what? You think she's innocent? Beating her isn't the worst thing I've done." I thought I was going to be sick. My anger rose and I lunged for him, towards his legs, and knocked him to the floor. Lia grabbed the gun, but Christian tackled her, and they began to fight. Liam and Zayn rushed in. Liam threw Christian against the wall and Zayn pulled me off Lia's stepdad. As Zayn jerked Lia's stepdad up, I helped Lia to her feet. I looked around for the gun, which was only a few feet away. Perrie called the police and they took Lia's stepdad and Christian to jail. The police questioned all of us about what had happened the last few days, and they questioned the few of us who knew Lia and her stepdad's, who's name I learned was Russ, history.

Turns out, he had in fact raped her before, and kidnapped her from her mom when her mom tried for a short amount of time to get Lia away and protect themselves from Russ. About an hour latef, we got a call saying Christian was being sent back to Kentucky and wpuld get the minimum of 15 years in prison; three years in juvi and 12 in an adult prison. Russ would be tried and prosecuted in Florida, since it was his home state and he had committed his first crimes there. The police predicted he'd get 20 to life with the possibility of being eligible for parole if he has good behavior for 15 years, so he'd get out 5 years early with parole. And the fact he's never killed anyone helped, too.

When the police finally left, I saw Lia go out to the balcony. I followed her out and shut the door behind us. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "Hey. You okay?" I said softly as we looked out to the ocean. She shrugged. "I'm okay, I guess. I just feel like Russ should..... I don't know..... I feel like they're being to lenient with everything. He's caused me so much pain, physical and emotional.... I don't know, Harry. It probably sounds coldhearted..." She trailed off and I turned her so she was looking at me. I then realized, in that moment, the paps and fans 100 feet below us, but I didn't care.

In that moment, I also realized how much Lia needed someone; how much she really was hurting and how much she'd been tortured. She'd endured so much that none of her friends could imagine or even fix. "You know, Harry," Lia said, interrupting my thoughts. She looked down. "You saved me today. Thank you." Her eyes met mine. "You barely know me... All of you... You all barely know me, Maggie, and Jessica. Yet you've managed to save me in more ways than any Superman ever could. Actually, scratch that." She grinned and put her arms around my neck. "You ARE my Superman." And I pressed my lips to hers.

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