Chapter Thirteen

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Harry's POV

As soon as we reached the hotel room, Lia collapsed on the couch, sobbing. I sat next the her and stroked her hair. I let her cry it out and she calmed down after a bit. "Shh, she'll be okay," I promised, wanting to believe it myself. I wasn't sure if Maggie would make it. Lia sniffed. "I can't lose one of my friends. I just...... The doctor was right," she admitted, "I can't handle this." I silently agreed; Lia was too emotionally fragile from all the abuse. I knew she'd fall apart.

"Look, why don't you lie down and rest. It's nearly midnight." Lia looked up at me in bewilderment. "Already?" I was surprised, too. I nodded. "Yeah. I'll fix you a snack and bring it in." She sniffed again and sat up. "Thanks, Harry." We smiled sadly at each other, then she went in our room. I sighed and fixed a bowl of popcorn and some cheese and crackers.

"Thanks, Haz," Lia said when I set the try of food on the bed between us. I shrugged and turned on Netflix on my iPad. "What do you want to watch?" I asked, then handed it to her, "You pick," I insisted. She took it and we started an oldies marathon, complete with The Cosby Show, The Brady Bunch, The Facts of Life, and The Andy Griffith Show. It took awhile, but Lia's face soon lit up with laughter, and life returned to her eyes. After watching a variety of these shows for over an hour, I turned off my iPad. "Lia, go to sleep. It's after one in the morning. I'm restless, so I'm gonna call Liam and try to get Billie on the phone again. I'll be on the couch if you need me." I rolled off the bed and left the room with the left over food.

"Billie?" I said to the voicemail for the third time. "Call me. It's important. Something's happened to Maggie." I hung up and called Liam. "Hey. How is she?" Liam answered groggily, "She's out of surgery. Her brain isn't swollen and they flushed out all the excess blood and stitched her up." I ran my hand through my hair. "Ugh. Okay. Lia's in bed and I'm about to couch out. Make sure you get to sleep to." Liam sighed. "I don't know, man. I don't wanna miss anything since she's still unconscious."

"Okay," I said in understanding. We disconnected the call and I laid on the couch and stared up at the ceiling in thought. "No!" I heard someone scream. "No! Stop! Please! No!" I ran into my room and saw Lia thrashing around in the bed. It looked like she was fighting with the sheets. "Lia!" I grabbed her shoulders and yelled. "Lia! Wake up!" I shook her shoulders. She crumbled and tears streamed down her face. "Lia," I said, quieter this time, "I got you. Shhh, it was only a nightmare." I reassured her, trying to calm her. Her body shook with silent sobs as I wrapped her in my arms, rocking her. "Harry?" Lia whispered, half whimpering. "Yes?" I looked down at her. "C-- Can I-- Will you--?" I nodded and carried her into the living room. We laid on the couch and I wrapped my arms protectively around her waist.

We woke up around lunchtime. "Morning," I greeted Lia in the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and grinned. "Afternoon," she corrected. I laughed and heated up monkey bread for us to eat. "So, I'm gonna try to call Billie again and then we'll go to the hospital." Lia nodded. "Okay. I'll go get ready." She went to our room and I called Billie. Again. This time, though, it didn't even ring; it went straight to voicemail. "Billie. Call me. Now." I hung up as Lia came back in. "No luck?" Lia asked. I shook my head and took her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers, as we walked out of the room. "No. I don't know what's happening." I saw Lia's jaw clench. "What?" I asked. She gritted her teeth and squeezed my hand tighter. "Christian."

"Huh?" I asked. She pointed and stopped walking. "Christian," she repeated. The person she was pointing at, who I assumed was Christian, was just a few feet ahead, and it looked like he was waiting for someone. It looked like he was waiting for us.

Lia's POV

My stomach dropped as soon as I saw Christian. We walked towards him. "What do you want?" I asked coldly. He smiled a Cheshire-cat smile. "That's no way to treat a friend, is it?" He chuckled. "Friends?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Okay. Well what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm here to see my Maggie, why else?" My eyes widened. "YOUR Maggie? She's not yours, Christian. Goodness, you really ARE crazy. You aren't dating. You're barely friends. You treated her like crap and you were 't really nice to me either," I ranted. Harry squeezed my hand, reminding me he was next to me. "Christian, this is my boyfriend. Harry Styles from One Direction." I motioned to Harry. "Ah. Nice to meet you, I guess." I was becoming annoyed with Christian's behaviour. "Excuse us. We must be off," Harry said. Christian took a step in front of us. "Why the rush? Where are you headed?" I clenched my jaw again. "None of your business. Good bye, Christian." He grinned a grim grin and stepped aside. "I'll be looking for her." I kept my focus straight ahead, not looking back as Harry and I walked out of the hotel.

"So. What's the story with Christian?" Harry asked. "Let Maggie tell you. He's just not the nicest person to me," I explained. Harry took the hit and the rest of the car ride was silent. We met Liam outside of Maggie's room. "How is she?" I demanded immediately. "She's finally stable," Liam said, "and she's responding to sound and touch. But she's still not awake."

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