Chapter Eleven

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Lia's POV

I smiled and stepped out of the limo. "Uh, Harry? Where are we?" I asked, looking around; the limo had brought me and Liam to a woodsy area outside of the city. "I'm taking you from here," Harry explained. His car was parked a little ways off. "Alright, Styles. Have her back by eleven-thirty," Liam said in a stern voice. Harry grinned. "No promises."

We left the woods and Harry drove further from the city. "Harry, where are you taking me?" I asked suspiciously. He fought a smile. "It's a surprise. I won't tell you," he insisted.

I had no clue where we were or where we were going, but after an hour he drove across a long bridge into another big city and pulled into a parking lot. "Harry! This place looks expensive!" It appeared to be a prestigious French restaurant. He simply shrugged. "Well I'm paying, so don't worry." I just looked at the restaurant in wonder. Wait, I thought, I've never eaten French food before. What am I going to order? I wondered. Finally, Harry agreed to order for me.

The waitress appeared. She looked to be about 18 or so, and she focused her attention on Harry. "May I take your order, suga?" She asked in a Southern accent; I guessed she was from Alabama or Louisiana. Her name tag said "Mackenzie". I remained quiet and let Harry order. "Mackenzie" turned to me, disgust written all over her face. "Well. What do you want?" She asked rather rudely. I shrunk back instinctively. "Um, I'll order for her, ma'am." Mackenzie turned to Harry again, her face lighting up.

"Okay." I don't even know what Harry ordered for me, honestly. Whatever it was, it tasted like Italian chicken marsala. We had a nice dinner, and we went to the park about half an hour away. He took my hand as we walked through the park. "Did you enjoy your dinner?" He asked. I nodded. "I have no clue what you ordered me, but it tasted amazing." Harry chuckled, and we walked awhile longer, enjoying the peaceful silence.

Harry's POV

We neared a water fountain when we heard someone scream. It was almost totally dark by this time, and I was about to lead Lia back to the car. I froze and nearly panicked, thinking it could be fans, but Lia took off toward the tree line bordering the park. "Lia!" I called, "Wait!" She stopped when she reached the tree line and fished out her phone to use as a flashlight. "What are you doing?" I demanded. "You can't just wonder in the woods. For one, it's too dark. Two, it's dangerous; these are unknown woods and an unknown territory to both of us. We could get lost or hurt. Besides," I continued, "we need to get back. You only have a few days left to hang out with us and I want us to spend more time together." Lia looked up at me.

"Well it could be unknown to that person who just screamed, too. Harry, I've dealt with many years of every type of abuse, so I'm not going to ignore a scream. Wether it's dangerous or not, abuse related or not, dark or not, I'm going in there. You can wait for me at the car or come help look." With that, she stormed into the woods. I paused for only a moment, but then I took off after her. "Fine," I said when I caught up to her, "but I want it to go on record I think this is a bad idea and I'm only coming to protect you and help look for whoever it was screaming." As soon as I said that, we heard the person scream again, a little closer this time.

"Okay, whatever. Now hush," Lia held up a hand to my face, "we need to listen for anything and everything." We creeped through the woods and nearly jumped a mile when the person screamed again. But this time, it was so loud and so close, it sounded like the person was right next to me. Lia nudged me to the right. "Over there," she whispered. We shined our flashlights on our phones into the brush. "Hello?" Lia called into the darkness.


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