Chapter Eighteen

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Lia's POV

"So, what's the story with that Courtney girl?" Harry asked when we got home. I shrugged. "Well, it's a long story. Long story short, she's just annoying and a brat that goes after every guy I associate with." I sit my purse on the snack bar and grabbed a water from the fridge. "Well she sounds pleasant." I rolled my eyes and took Rufus out to use the bathroom.

"Harry?" I called when I went back inside. "I'm in here!" I found him sitting on the couch, concentrating on something with his gaze locked on the tv. "Uh, Harry, do you realise it's not on?" I teased, but he didn't budge or even grin. "What's wrong?" He sighed. "Nothing. Forget it." I put my hands on my hips. "No, I'm not gonna forget it! Something's bothering you, Harry. It's obvious. Come on, talk to me!" I insisted, my voice raising a little due to frustration. Harry jerked his head to look at me. "I said," he growled with a fire in his eyes, "Forget it. It's nothing." His phone went off, vibrating and making a loud noise against the coffee table. He reached for it, but I snatched it up.

"<Unknown Number>

She won't know! I promise!"

I read that and looked up at Harry, who had sprang to his feet. "What is this?" I demanded. "I know we aren't an official couple but really?" I didn't know what to think; I just felt anger and jealousy. "Lia, give me my phone," Harry said calmly with a dangerous edge to his voice. "Fine. You want it? Here. Call Liam while you're at it." He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Because he's gonna have to take you somewhere else to stay," I finished. He yanked his phone from my hand. "Gosh dang it Lia! What is your deal?" Harry demanded.

"My deal? MY deal? Harry, you and I agreed to work towards being a couple. I mean, I like you for you. Not because of your reputation or your money, but because I like you! A lot! Or I did, till just now when I realised I can't trust you! Harry, we aren't official. I get that. But we agreed that we were gonna work on it and get closer this week! So far, all I've learned about you is you're a crappy driver and I can't trust you. Gosh you can't even keep a promise that I thought meant a lot to the both of us!" I was near tears.

"Lia, don't even! What about Austin and Brandon?" I rolled my eyes. "I wanted you to meet Austin! And you know I can't stand Brandon half the time!" He ran a hand through his hair. "Harry, you KNOW how fragile I am. You KNOW about all my past relationships and the problems they had! And you know what? The root of all those problems was trust issues." I turned. "Don't walk away from me!" Harry bellowed, grabbing my arm to force me back around to face him. He shoved me so I backed into the snack bar.

"Who was that Harry?" I demanded, ignoring the pain pulsing through my forearm, where he tightened his grip. "Courtney Clark." He let loose a little. "She was trying to sext and ask for pictures. I'm sorry, Lia. I should've told you about it. I gave you a reason not to trust me. It's my fault." Tears started falling from the pain; Russ had broke my arm once and ever since it had been sensitive. "Haz, no. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like I did. I should've let you explain instead of being nosey."

He grinned. "But when you snoop, it's cute, because you get a determined look on your face and your eyebrows scrunch up." I rolled my eyes. "Haz, seriously. Just tell me next time. You know everything in my life, past and present, good and bad. I'd like that to be mutual." He released my arm and rubbed it gently and in a caring way where it was reddening. "I'm sorry, Lia. I didn't mean to hurt you in any way."

"It's fine." I whispered, staring back into his enchanted dark green eyes. "You know," he looked down, "I wanted today to be special, because...." He trailed off. I leaned forward into his arms. "Because?" I pressed after a moment, looking up at him. He chewed his lip. "I was gonna ask you to be my girlfriend. Officially," he said shyly. I grinned, and he smiled back. "Yes. But you gotta trust me more, Styles." I warned. He nodded and kissed the top of my head before wrapping me back into his hug. "Our trust has to be mutual," he said softly, and I nodded before he continued, "I will trust you more. I promise." I looked up at him "And I will trust you, too. I swear it."

A/N: yay for a short chapter! serious writers block.... I need new ideas!! help! lol

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