Chapter Seven

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Lia's POV

I woke up to sunlight streaming through the window on to the bed. Harry's bed, I remembered suddenly. I instantly became aware of strong arms around my torso. I gently and slowly rolled over to face Harry. I felt his warm breath on my face and smiled softly as I listened to him quietly snore. After awhile, his eyes twitched and he smiled. "I can feel you watching me, you know." He opened his eyes as I grinned sheepishly and tried to turn to hide my embarrassment. Harry's arms only tightened around me and pulled me closer.

"No, no. It's cute," he insisted. I laughed softly. "Kay, but it sounds creepy." He chuckled. "Yeah, it does. Here. Let's start this morning over, eh?" I nodded and focused on his face as he closed his eyes. After a few moments, he yawned and smiled. "Good morning, beautiful." He opened his eyes. I smiled. "Good morning, handsome."

"How did you sleep, love?" I had actually slept pretty well; I didn't have any more nightmares. I shrugged. "Good, apart from my nightmare." Harry frowned slightly. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I considered it for a moment. "Well, I don't usually tell anyone about it. Not even Maggie or Jessica know..." I trailed off. "You don't have to tell me," Harry reassured me. I looked away. "Thanks. I don't think I will.... Not yet, anyway." I'll tell him someday, I decided.

"Okay, that's fine." He tightened his arms in a hug once more. He sighed. "I'll fix breakfast?" I offered. Harry smiled. "Mmm what are you gonna make?" I grinned and threw back the covers. "It's a surprise!" I ran out.

"Mornin'!" Niall greeted me in the kitchen area. I smiled. "Good morning! How's Nialler?" He shrugged. "Starvin'!" He declared. I laughed. "Well, then, you're in luck! I'm making breakfast for everyone! Now get out! It's a surprise!" I said as I shooed him out. He feigned disappointment and hurt. "Fine, fine." Niall said finally. I laughed when he made a puppy dog face. "I'll let you sample if you stop pouting!" He perked up instantly.

I went about making what is called a Breakfast Frittata. It's basically an omelet but ten times better tasting. Then, while that was in the oven, I began to make homemade cinnamon rolls. "Gosh, Lia!" Louis made me jump and I spun around from the oven. "How much food do we need? And who's gonna clean all this up?!" Louis demanded. Niall raised his hand. "I will! I don't mind! I get to sample everything!" Louis gasped. "Go into the living room area!" I ordered. "Harry's already in there and so is Liam, Dani, and Perrie. Breakfast is a surprise!"

He hung his head and left me and Niall alone. "Lia?" Niall asked as I put the cinnamon rolls in and pulled out the breakfast frittata. "Yeah?" I asked. "I have a few questions, ya know, to get to know you and the girls better." I nodded and started to make the icing. "Okay. Where are you from?" He asked. "Kentucky." He thought for a minute. "'Kay. Single?" I almost dropped the bowl I had been reaching for. "Huh?" I asked to make sure I heard him right.

"Are you single?" Niall repeated. patiently. "Uh, yeah," I answered as if it should be obvious. No guy had ever showed interest in me. But even if a guy had, for one I probably wouldn't notice. For two, I wouldn't dare talk to dad about dating. "What about the other girls?" Niall asked. "Yeah, but Maggie and Jessica have a lot of guys that would date them in a heartbeat, I'm sure." I knew that for a fact, actually.

"Okay. Do you cook like this often?" I looked at him sternly. "Don't go getting ideas, Horan. I'm not gonna be your personal chef." We laughed and I said, "Yeah, I do. It's just me and my stepdad a lot. I call him dad. Mom leaves for long periods of time so I have to cook for us. Dad has the ability to burn water." I chuckled.

Niall's POV

When Lia started talking about her stepdad, I noticed her whole demeanour changed; she tensed up and was very timid all of a sudden. So I changed the subject. "I think Harry likes you." She spun around. "What? No he doesn't! Why would you think that?" Lia rambled. I shrugged. "I dunno. Probably cause he gapes at you all the time?" I suggested and cut out a piece of the frittata to eat. She waved her hand at me. "Psh, not true!" She insisted and turned back to finish the icing.

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