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I woke up the next morning feeling full of energy even though it was a Monday. I got dressed and grabbed my bag and ran down the stairs. I met my mom in the kitchen.

"Aubrey please becareful today, you got it."

"Yes mother."

"Good and have you found a mate."

"Umm no I have no idea what that is ."

She looked at me and I thought she was gonna say something but she just turned back around.

"Mother, what are you talking about?"

"Aubrey, mates are a werewolves soulmate."

A soulmate really I mean I'm only 18 almost 19 I want to live alittle.

My mother looked at me then said " You will know if he is your mate because you will smell something so wonderful and your wolf will scream for him."

"Oh well do you know if there are other wolves here, in this town."

She looked at me and she was nervous to answer. Her heart started to beat really fast. I took it as a yes then. So I wasn't alone there were other wolves. I then decided I better get to school so I started walking my way to school. I heard somebody following me so I decided that I would play a little game with whoever it was. I stopped and the person stopped then I took off running. I ran extremely fast, faster then I have ever before I'm guessing this is a perk of being a wolf. Then I ran straight into the woods and I ran around the trees and decided to climb up one. When the person caught up I smelled something wonderful, it smelled like Ryder. Then I saw who it was. Hayden. He was looking all over for me and he turned his back from the tree. That's when my plan fell into place. I jumped from the tree and landed behind him. It caused him to whirl around really quick. He looked like he was scared.

Hayden said "Jeez, Aubrey why don't you scare the shit out of somebody who can take it."

"Aww is Hayden a scaredy cat."

"Hell no I am not a scaredy cat, Aubrey."

"Well why the hell were you following me? "

"Because I couldn't stay away from you."

"How sweet Hayden but not to be mean but this sweet shit you are trying to feed me, I think you should stop so we can get going to school"

With that we walked to school and the whole way there I was wondering about things. Was Hayden my mate? Was he waiting for me to come out of my house? Why did my mom tell me to stay away from him? Why did Hayden tell me to stay away from Ryder? The one question that I really wanted answered was : Is Hayden a werewolf?

I hadn't realized that we were at school until I heard Hayden saying my name. Then I smelled that wonderful smell again. This time it was Ryder. When he saw me he started to smile and I swore that my wolf was screaming that Ryder was my mate. Hayden looked at me and he looked hurt. Ryder by then reached my side and growled when he saw Hayden. Hayden leaned over to me and said "Becareful Cutie and remember what I told you." He quickly kissed my head and I swear I saw him smirking about it. I heard Ryder growl and then I felt his hand grab my arm and he dragged me to the Janitors Closet. He then salmed the door shut.

Ryder said "Aubrey what the hell did he say to you?"

How did he hear what Hayden whispered in my ear before he left.

"It is none of your business."

"He told you to stay away from me didn't he."

I was shocked he was right. I didn't look Ryder in his eyes.

"Aubrey stay away from him."

When he said that something in me snapped. I was pissed off and I knew that I was about to lose control. I felt my eyes change to gold. I felt my teeth grow and I felt my claws grow. I looked at Ryder and he looked amazed. He moved closer to me and he put my hair behind my ear. He let his finger linger there. He leaned in and I leaned into him and he kissed me. It sent a tingly feeling through my body. I felt like my body was on fire and I felt millions of fireworks spread. He then pulled away and I had changed back.

"Please don't tell anybody, Ryder"

"Aubrey I wouldn't do that because I'm a wolf too."

I was shocked but I was happy to because I felt lonely and now I wasn't the only one. Then I was snapped out of my daze by the bell. When we stepped out of the closet we were greeted by Hayden. I heard Ryder growl and I watched them stare each other down.

Hayden said"Aubrey I think you should come with me."

Ryder said" No Hayden how about we let her decide herself."

I looked at them both and I couldn't have them fighting so I did something I would probably regret. I turned around and started walking by myself. Then I turned around and said:

" See ya later boys."

I gave them the best smirk I could and I blew them a kiss. I swear if they fight over that kiss I'm gonna have some serious problems.

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