Chapter 2 - Makeover

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Baekhyun POV

"Bwo?! Park fucking Chanyeol said that?! How dare he?! I'm gonna kill him!" Kyungsoo screamed after I told him what had happened. Xiumin was holding him down while I was just there crying.

"Yah! Do Kyungsoo, calm down!" Xiumin was shouting at him.

"How do you expect me to calm down? That guy just hurt Baekhyun!" Kyungsoo was raging.

"Listen to me!" Xiumin said and Kyungsoo complied while I looked at him.

"We are going to get revenge." Xiumin said and I looked at him confused.

"How?" Kyungsoo asked after calming down. Wow, that was fast.

"We are going to give Baekhyun a makeover. He got to have a bad boy look and seduce Chanyeol. Once Chanyeol falls head over heels, Baekhyun is going to ditch him. That would teach him a lesson." Xiumin explained everything.

"Woah, I never knew you were such a genuis in plotting revenge. I better not get onto your bad side." Kyungsoo joked.

"Of course. You don't mess with me. So, what do you think Baekhyun?" Xiumin asked me.

I stared at him. I don't know if it would work. "Will it really work. I mean, I am a nerd."

"Of course it would! We would help you along the way so don't worry." Xiumin assured me.

"Hm... Alright then, I'll give it a try."

"Great! Then let's head to the mall now! It's makeover time!" Xiumin squealed like a girl and pulled me and Kyungsoo along.


"Here we are!" Xiumin said excitedly. "Let's get your ridiculous hair done up first!" I just simply nodded and followed him.

"Hey Xiumin!" A women greeted Xiumin first the moment we stepped in. "Oh hi Eunji!" Xiumin waved as we walked in. Woah, Xiumin knows the hairdresser? That means he comes here often. No wonder his hairstyle always changes.

"Eunji-ah, please help me transform this nerd here into a bad boy. I know it's going to be hard but please do your best!" Xiumin said. Bwo?! Did he just say that it was going to be hard? I glared at Xiumin.

Eunji chuckled. "Given his looks, it shouldn't be difficult to find a hairstyle that suits him."

"Omo jinja?!" Kyungsoo pretended to be shock while I pouted.


After what seems like forever, Eunji was finally done. I looked into the mirror and got a shock. My hair was red and nicely styled up. I never knew I could look like this.

"Xiumin, come here!" Eunji called for Xiumin.

Xiumin and Kyungsoo walked over and their jaws dropped. "Oh my god. Are you sure this is Byun Baekhyun?" Kyungsoo was completely speechless.

Eunji chuckled. "Yup! This is Byun Baekhyun!"

"Omg! Eunji, you are a genius!" Xiumin shrieked. Xiumin then pass her his credit card. After we were done, Xiumin pulled me to another shop.

"Where are we going?" I asked them.

"We are going to get you new clothes duh."Kyungsoo said emotionlessly.

"But.... Whose gonna pay? I can't afford so much." I muttered.

"Of course Xiumin!" Kyungsoo replied. Xiumin just glared at Kyungsoo.

We walked into a shop filled with really cool clothes. Woah, it looks like the clothes Chanyeol and his gang wears.

"Pick something you like." Xiumin said and I nodded. I just went for the most simple shirt and gave it to Xiumin.

He stared at it then looked at me. "Seriously Baekhyun? This?"

"What? It's nice!" I smiled at him.

"I swear you really have no fashion sense. Kyungsoo-ah, it's time to help this hopeless nerd to get some new clothes." Xiumin called Kyungsoo.

After probably 30 minutes, and me trying out maybe 100000 clothes, we were fianlly done. Xiumin paid for everything which I am thankful for. What a nice best friend he is right?

"So... We are done right? We can go back already right? My legs are already hurting like hell." I whined. Actually, I just wanted to get back to the dorm and sleep. I mean, I was still suffering from a heartbreak and the best solution is to sleep right?

"Dude, we have only been walking or should I say standing for only 30 minutes since we have been in the same shop and you say your leg is hurting?" Xiumin looked at me like I was crazy. Oops, seems like my lie is exposed.

"Fine." I muttered under my breath.

"Come on, let's get rid of your horrendous glasses." Xiumin said and pulled me along with him. I sighed in defeat and just followed him.

"Wow, the blue contacts seem nice!" Kyungsoo was busy looking at the different colours and gasping at how nice it out looked. I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Yah, Baekhyun do you want to have colour contacts?" Xiumin asked. I shook my head immediately. I don't want to stand out.

"Ur... just the normal one will be fine."

"Oh ok then! We will get the normal ones then. Just get the disposable ones." Xiumin said. The lady nodded and got a few boxes out.

"Great! Put it on now, you need to get used to it!" Xiumin urged me or more like forced me to put on contact lenses.

I washed my hands and began to put it on. Urgh! Why does it not go in?! This is so freaking frustrating.

"Yah, it's fine since its your first time. You will get the hang of it once you wear it everyday." Xiumin reassured me. After a while, that damn contacts finally went in.

We left the shop and went back to the dorm. Yay! "Woah, you look completely different. See, you should have made used of your looks earlier." Kyungsoo said.

I sighed. I am not sure if the plan was really going to work but I'm still gonna try it. I want that Park Chanyeol to get the taste of his own medicine.

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