Chapter 9 - Vacation

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Baekhyun POV

"Ok class! We have finally reached. Please ensure that you take all your  belongings! Once everyone is done, meet me at the entrance of the chalet. I will be assigning you your rooms." Our form teacher said and got off the bus. I was awaken by her booming voice. I rubbed my eyes and stood up. After we have all gotten our bags, we gathered at the entrance of the chalet.

"Great! Alright, it would be six in a chalet. Your roommate will be your partner in the activities during your stay here. Girls and boys would be separated of course." I could hear disappointed murmurings. I bet the girls wanted to share a chalet with Chanyeol.

"........ Xiumin and Kyungsoo. Sehun and Kai. Chanyeol and Baekhyun. The six of you are in one chalet." I cheered loudly but not until the teachers can hear me of course. I was in the same chalet as my best friends. Yay! Now that's what you call fate. And of course, since Chanyeol was my partner, my revenge is going to be much easier. Hehe. Prepare for my wrath.... Heh, I'm just kidding. I am not so mean.

We went to our chalet. Woah, it was really huge and nice.

"Guys? Can we change partners?" I heard Chanyeol ask.

"Oh sure! Kai, do you wanna be my partner?"
Kyungsoo flirted. I saw Kai turning red and was speechless.

"Jin-jinja?" Kai stuttered. 

"Ne. Wae, you don't want? Oh that's fine, I can ask Sehun to-" Kyungsoo was interrupted immediately.

"Of course I am ok!" Kai said immediately and went forward to help Kyungsoo with his bag before heading into their room.

"Great! Then I will partner Se-" Chanyeol was interrupted by Xiumin.

"Sehunnie, can I partner you?" Xiumin did aegyo, making Sehun blush. He nodded his head and Xiumin clapped. "Kaja!" Xiumin said,
pulling Sehun into the room to unpack theur bags. And I was still stuck with Chanyeol. I glanced at him, he looked quite pissed off with them.

"Yah, What's wrong? Do you really hate partnering with me?" I asked.

He glared at me and nodded. "Yes. I hate working with you."

Ouch, that hurts. "Oh that's ok. I will make sure you love me after the whole vacation." I smirked at him before turning to leave him shocked.


After a whole day of unpacking and arranging, we were all hungry. I went to the kitchen and saw Chanyeol and Kyungsoo preparing dinner together. Since when did they become close?

"Kyungsoo-ah, what are you making?" I went over and rested my head on his shoulder. He smiled and said,"My speciality, kimchi spaghetti!" I clapped my hands and cheered. I love Kyungsoo's kimchi spaghetti.

"Don't get too excited." Kyungsoo teased.

"Wait, where did you get spaghetti? There aren't any supermarket nearby." I asked.

"Oh, I packed some here. I knew you would like it." Kyungsoo explained. I pinched his cheeks. "Awwww what a thoughtful friend."

He laughed and brush my hands off. "Don't bother me, go wait with the others. They are watching tv together." Kyungsoo chased me away.

I pouted," Then why Chanyeol can be here?"

"That's cause he is helping to cook stuff too. Now go and stop bothering me if you wanna eat soon." Kyungsoo pushed me to the living room where Xiumin, Sehun and Kai were watching a comedy show and laughing crazily. I went over and joined them.


We were sitting in the huge couch doing nothing after we finished dinner. "Urgh, can we do something? It's really boring." I whined.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Xiumin suggested and everyone agreed. We sat in a circle and started playing. It landed on me first. I groaned.


"Hmmm.... Ah! Do a lap dance on Chanyeol until I stop the music." Kyungsoo said evilly. My eyes widened and I saw him squinting his eyes. I immediately got what he meant. This was the time to make Chanyeol fall for me. I nodded and sat on Chanyeol. Xiumin played the music and I started dancing. Kai and Sehun looked at me in shock. I bet what I was doing surprised them. They probably thought that I was a timid person. Well, I am not when I am set to get revenge. I bit my lips sexily as I danced. I could feel his member getting hard and I smirked. Finally, Xiumin stopped the music and I got off him. He was breathing hard and I saw a little sweat.

After playing for a while, we got bored and Kai went to his room before coming out with some beer. "Omo! Why do you have beer?" Sehun asked, looking shocked.

Kai smiled and replied," Well, I smuggled it. I just thought we should have some fun." Kai gave everyone a can and we opened it. We talk and joked around. I kept drinking beer since it was my first time and was enjoying it. Who knew I would get drunk so fast?

Yay! My exams are overrr!! Hahahahaha 😂😂   I will update more often now! :)

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