Detention part 5

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                                                                   Bender P.O.V

I hate Vernon. Christine did nothing wrong and she gets dragged to the closet of his office, yes I know where she is. I've been there many times. When he laid his filthy hands on her, I wanted to knock him the hell out. I couldn't though, if I did I would have to leave Chris and I really don't want that. We've been through so much, I am surprised at how strong she is. I was messing with red when someone fell out from the ceiling. I stood up and looked over at where the person fell from and my little sister walked back in smirking. 

"I forgot my paper." She said walking over to our table,but quickly ducked and hid. 

"What was that Ruckus?" Vernon yelled.

"What ruckus, sir?" I asked trying to hide my smirk. 

"There was a ruckus." He said.

"Can you describe the ruckus, sir?" Brian asked like nothing happened. 

"Don't use that attitude with me!" He yelled pointing at Brian. Chris started to cough, I quickly started to cough then everyone else joined in. "You kids will not make me look like a fool!" He yelled and walked out with a toilet seat cover hanging from his pants. We all busted out laughing. Christine stood up and brushed her self down. 

"You good?" I asked a little worried. She done that before, but not at that distance. 

"Yeah, I am good. Relax Johnny. I am fine." She said looking at me with a small smile. That's the thing, I wouldn't ask for anyone else but her. I smiled back and then went to the back of the room about to get high.

                                                                Christine P.O.V

My brother,Brian,Claire,and Andrew went to the back to get high. I looked at the Allison chick and decided to go talk to her. 

"Hey." I said causally sitting down. She just looked at me shocked that I am talking to her. 

"What's up?" I asked. She just looked down. 

"So do you have a middle name? I heard Andrew ask Brian.

"Yeah, I guess." Brain said. 

"Ralph as in puke." Allison said standing up and going over there and saying all these facts about him, how did she know all that? I guess jock was reading my mind. 

"Are you physic?" He asked shocked. 

"No." She said with a small smile. 

"Then can you please tell me how you know all this about me?" Brian asked annoyed. 

She looked at him with bright eyes and said "I stole your wallet." She said pulling his wallet out of her jacket. Wow! 

"Now you are a thief?" He asked. 

"I am not a thief." She said looking down. 

"Then what, your a jack of all trades." Brian said. 

We were quiet for a few moments then Allison asked "Do you want to see what's in my purse?" She asked with a smirk. 

"NO" They said at the same time, I kinda wanna see what she has. Then she dumped her bag out on the couch. Holy crap! 

"Do you always carry this much shit in your bag?" Brian asked. 

"Yes, I always carry this much shit in my bag." She said annoyed. Then they started to talk about their home lives and how hers is unsatisfying and how it's bad. How Brian and Andrew is different then Allison unsatisfying. Is she thinking about running away? I will run away with her, as long as John comes. Allison walked away and Andrew followed her and they talked for awhile. A couple hours later we were sitting in a circle, talking about anything. Then it got a little serious.

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