Chapter 41: Four Months Left

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You were in high spirits as you came to school. Not coming to school for one day, seemed like a one week of absence. Every student you passed by were smiling at you. Some even greeted you, "Good morning Officer Han!" Today's scenario was completely different during your first day as an officer, from annoyed looks and gossips to bright smiles and warm greetings.

From a distance you saw Chen and you recognize that he was talking to someone, surprisingly for the first time, a girl.

You approached them because you got a hidden agenda and that was to tease Chen.

"Annyeonghaseyo Jongdae!" You intended to call him with his real name because he disliked being called as such.

"Min Na-ah! It's Chen!" He whined.

The girl giggled. You looked at her as she bowed and greeted.

"Annyeong Officer Han!" She said as she smiled. You find her cute. She was also wearing glasses and her hair was long and curled at the end.

"Min Na this is Yuree, she's from the Crescent Moon Section." Chen introduced.

You shook hands. "Nice to meet you Yuree!" You exclaimed

"Me too Officer Han. It's an honor." She said.

You're overwhelmed with her words. You gently patted her shoulder. "You're so formal Yuree. Just call me Min Na." You said.

She shyly smiled then she looked at her watch. "Sorry as much as how I wanted to talk to you guys, I need to go. I need to meet my group mates early in class."

You saw Chen frowned. Yuree bid goodbye and went ahead to her room.

"You like her huh?" You said as you poked his arm.

He brushed his nape as he was smiling like an idiot. He was obviously blushing.

"Aigoo. From what I observed, you truly like her. Since when you know each other?" You said.

"I actually met her at the Acquaintance Night and while we were having our conversation, I just felt like we are somehow connected?" He said as he smiled.

You had never seen him so happy like that. "Yeah, you both looked like a perfect match!" You exclaimed.

"Jinja Min Na-ah?" He asked.

"Yes Chen! Believe me." You said then you dragged his arm. "But for now let us go and we will be late for class!"


Ms. Kang entered your room and everybody settled down on their respective seats. Conversations a while ago were still about the Night. Everyone was still on a hangover.

Ms. Kang stepped on the platform as she wrote something on the white board. Everyone exchanged puzzled looks.

She wrote a huge number four at the board. She put down the marker and faced the whole class again.

"Yes, what you see in the board is four. Do you know what that number means?" She asked.

"Is that the number of cup of rice you eat in one meal Ma'am?" Baekhyun said joking. The whole class laughed.

Ms. Kang rolled her eyes. "No Mr. Byun! And all of you keep quiet and listen!"

The whole class immediately became silent.

She sighed. "That number represents the remaining months of your stay here in the Academy. Class, since you are all in your senior years, you only have four months to go before your graduation. I hope that all of you were starting to think on which university you are going for college AND the course that you wanted to take. And if you are still confuse on what to choose from, maybe you should start asking yourself on what is your interest? What am I good at? Such that."

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