Chapter seven

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OH MY FUGE NUGGETS!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MANY FREAKING READER/VOTES/COMMENTS!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! Please keep up with the vote/comments, I love getting them! And I read every single one!!!! I try to update a lot but right now I have finals and I hurt my hand the other day so yeaaaaa. It sucks, but anyway, since you guys were so good and patient with me, I will update!!!! Maybe if I can get my hand to stop hurting enough there will be another chapter up tomorrow when I get home, but I need at least 10 comments before that. Can that be done? And hey, give some ideas lol. I love you guys!!!!. Anywayzzzzzz, STORY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Axel's POV

No! This can't be happening! I try and stand but can't; that fucking mutt shook my nerves around and now I can't really feel my legs. It’s worse than when your legs fall asleep. "How dare that little bitch talk to me that way?" Mom growled pacing back and forth as dad was watching me try and get up or at least shift; I could do neither. [I don't remember if I gave the Anderson adults names so I am now XD] "Dianna, she is out daughter, watch how you speak of her." Dad growled warningly and mom's head snapped to his direction.

"You tell me to watch how I speak? What about her huh? After everything I've done for her even if I didn't want her! She is just a waste of sp-" Mom didn't get to finish as dad had shifted and had her pinned to the ground growling in her face. "Dianna, I told you already to watch it! Don't you dare call our pup a waste! I will lock you up where you can never see day light again bitch! I love you with every fiber of my being, you're my mate, but I will be dammed if you talk that way of OUR pup dammit." Dad growled, canines bared and she was whimpering, I could feel how scared she was from here. I tried to get up but couldn't I lid on the ground not being able to move. 'Dam mutt, just because he is soon to be alpha he thinks he can get away with everything. I shall kill him. He took our little sister from us. He deserves to die!' Alex. My wolf growled, and I agreed with him. My anger must have helped me because I was now up and ran to my room, planning on how to kill him.

Blade's POV

I was curled into Snow's fur, I loved the feeling. We were walking back to his pack with his father, so far he seems nice. Once we reached the pack house little Anna came running out of the house squealing. "Blade you're here!" Anna squealed and Snow growled at her. "Oh hush; she is your little sister Snow." I giggled kissed the fur on his neck and climbed off and bent down to Anna's size. "Hey there Anna, how are you doing?" I smiled and ruffled her hair causing her to pout. "I am waiting on Colt to get here, I miss him!" Anna pouted and I heard a groan and turned to see Snow in a pair of black basketball shorts with no shirt, dayum. "Anna, he can't come over here today, right now there is something wrong with his pack. You can't except him to drop everything for you, you are 15 and he's what? 22?" Snow spat and I gawked at him as his sister glared, looking like she was about to cry.

"What the heck Snow?" I growled, my wolf and I didn't like seeing Anna upset. He looked at me stunned, and then what he said must have hit him. "Oh god, no. I didn't mean it like that! I am so sorry! Please forgive me. I'm sorry!" Snow panicked and went to grabbed me but I snarled and grabbed Anna. "How about we go explore and let Snow think about how much of a butt munch he is?" I smiled and she giggled nodding. "Blade! Get back here!" Snow yelled and I ignored him. "Anna, who is this sexy lady here?" A boy that looked about 16 asked looking me over. "Look at her neck. Show some respect mutt." Snow growled, he was pissed, I was ignoring him and a male was checking me out. "Sorry Luna! I had no idea!" The boy stuttered and ran off. "Jackson!" Anna called but was interrupted by a growl. A huge grey and black wolf stalked out of the woods, everyone was growling or hiding the pups. "COLT!!!" Anna screamed and jumped out of my arms and ran to Colt.

Colt wolf chuckled and fell to his side as he let Anna crawl on him. "Calm down everyone. It's just my sister's mate." Snow spat. "Why are you mad? She has a mate? You aren't going to act like my brother now are you?" I spat and he gawked. "No, it's just he is 20 and she is 15, of course I am going to be protective. But I know he will never do anything to hurt her. It’s just weird. And don't ever say that I'll act like your brother." Snow sighed and wrapped his arms around my waist. "I love you far too much; you are my everything, Blade Anderson." Snow smiled and kissed me, it was a light gentle kiss and it made me heat up. I was in heaven.

I pulled back needing air and looked up to him and giggled. "Ok, you are out of the dog house."  "I was never in the dog house; I was in the Wolf house." Snow growled playfully and kissed my mark causing me to moan. "EEWWWWW!!! NASTY!!!" Anna faked gagged. "You keep thinking that sis." Snow chuckled and kissed me again.

[Edited 2/22/2014]

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