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Ok hey guys! I am soo sorry I haven’t been able to update some stuff came up. But to make up for it this chapter will be a bit longer. So ummm yeah. I would update more but considering that this story will stop after a certain amount of update I figured I would just make this one a bit longer. But don’t worry if I can get enough votes and comments then I might just either continue on this story or make a sequel so yep.

Snow’s POV

“Well you see, she seems to have died-“ I growled and went to attack but Adam grabbed me. “You haven’t felt the bond snap have you?” Adam asked. “You are right, so why is he lying?” I snarled my wolf at the surface. “Everything was flat lined but now he is back, she is alive!!! And it seems she is trying to wake up!” The male nurse rushed out and I raced to her bedside.

Blade’s POV

I felt a pinch in my chest and groaned sitting up. "You woke up! I will go get Alpha Snow now!" a voice chirped but when he saw the confusion on my face he stopped. "Who is Alpha Snow?" I asked and. He panicked just as the door was flung open. I was only kidding when I said that but just them the door slung open to reveal a panicked Snow.

"Do you really not know who I Blade?" Snow looked panicked. "I do, I guess still not use to you being called Alpha Snow." I smiled and he growled and rushed over to me sitting his head on my chest. "How do you feel love?" Snow asked as I rubbed his head. "Like I should have Weylin here feeding him." I pouted and in a flash Anna walked in with my little boy in her arms. "Here you go mommy, he is probably quite hungry you have been out for an hour and half." Anna cooed handing me son.

Snow growled making everyone laugh but leave the room as I pulled the top of my gown down and fed Weylin. “Babe are you ok? You are still a bit pale.” Snow asked watching us closely. “Yea I am fine. But what did Anna mean by I was out for an hour and half? I must have fallen asleep but I haven’t been out that long.” I smiled looking down at my baby boy. Snow looked confused.

“Babe, you have ben out for half an hour. You gave birth to Weylin and next thing I know your heart had stopped beating your lungs closing up. Even mine tightened where I couldn’t breathe.” Snow looked broken but with a tad bit of happiness. “No, that can’t be right. I-“ Snow grabbed my hand and held it to his lips.

“Babe I wouldn’t lie about this. I am being honest with you. Do you honestly not remember?” Snow was getting more concerned. “No, I just remember blackness. I have no idea.” I was even starting to get worried myself. I heard a hiccup and I smiled looking down at my little son.

I pulled him up to burp him and couldn’t help but blush seeing Snow’s eyes turn black with lust and pride. “Snow, you are staring at me with lust stop. I am just feeding our son.” I blushed, “Our Son.” Snow purred just as there was a knock on the door.

“Alpha and Luna.” The doctors and nurses bowed their heads and Snow instantly pulled the covers up seeing a male nurse, the doctor nodded and the male nurse left. Snow relaxed and sat next to me as the doctor checked everything out.” So Luna Blade, do you remember anything? How it felt or even if you saw anything?” Doctor asked and I shook my head. “Well after all the test it seems like you had a seizure, coded and well basically you died. But here you are awake, so I have no idea, this is the first time it has ever happened.” The doctor explained.

“What do you mean you have no idea? You are a-“ Snow stopped when I placed my hand over his mouth. “Doctor, please excuse my mate, but what do you mean? Aren’t you the best there is?” I asked as Snow growled glaring at me grabbing my hand and kissing it.

“My point exactly, I have called every pack know and looked at all records and well nothing. Even in the human world, nothing like this has ever happened. But what is normal, after some of the test it showed that you were dehydrated and it seems that right before your heart stopped, that you were having a heart attack.” The doctor looked so confused.

“Oh wow, thanks.” I sighed taking it all in. “We would like for you to stay for two days to make observations.” The doc said then left. “Babe, are you ok?” I asked seeing him looking dazed. “No, something happened to you and I have no idea what happened to you so I could prevent it from happening again!” Snow growled and I sighed laying Weylin in the little hospital crib thing.

 “Snow you couldn’t have prevented that Snow, it just happened. You done what you could please don’t feel that way, I can feel how you feel, worthless. Because by god’s name you are not worthless, you are far from it!!!!! You are my mate and the father of our son. I love you with everything I am so do not dare think for a second that you are worthless!” I growled snatching his chin digging my nails into his skin slightly trying to get it through to him.

“Blade….” Snow purred and hugged me tightly and cried silently. I rubbed his back and hugged him back and we sat there holding each other. “Snow please never think that way again.” I smiled and kissed him, he instantly deepened it but was interrupted by Weylin’s cry.

-3 months later-

“Ally can you give Weylin the toy?” I smiled handing a little teething toy. Yes it is pretty early for Weylin to start teething considering he is only 3 months, but since he is a werewolf he will grow faster but faster considering he will be an Alpha.  “Yea!” Ally smiled and ran to find Weylin.

Adam walked in with a large Lexis, she was due soon! “Hello little Bella.” I smiled rubbing Lexi’s tummy. Yes they found out they were having a little girl and naming her Bella.  Anna and Colt were mated and she had moved to his pack and they have token over.  “Where’s my little baby boy?” lexis smiled looking for Weylin.

“Right here!” Snow chuckled walking in while ‘flying’ Weylin in the air like a plane even making the noises. “There’s Weylin!!” lexis cooed and Weylin started clapping his hands reaching for her.  “Weylin here!” Ally came running in holding the toy up. “Aww thank you Ally! Look Weylin, Ally brought a teething toy.” Lexis smiled giving him the toy and he started sucking on it. He giggled and started flopping around wanting down.

“Our little boy is growing fast!” I smiled seeing him trying to stand up and run. “Yea just like his daddy, strong and huge.” Snow chuckled and I glared at him. “I’m larger though. “I stuck my tongue out and he looked shocked. “Is there something you need to tell me? That you are a guy?” Snow gasped exaggeratedly.

I blushed and nodded. “Yea babe, my dick is larger than yours. My dick is 30 ft.” I chuckled and he laughed. “Wow, no wonder Snow’s mouth is so large, he gets shiskabobed, completely through one whole and out the other each night. So Blade, were do you hide it?” Adam chuckled and Snow growled. “I am only joking calm down.” I smiled kissing Snow’s cheek.

“Mama!” I gasped and turned around seeing Weylin on his but behind me. “What did he just say?” Snow gasped, him and I have had bets on who he would say first, looks like I win! “Mama!” Weylin squeezed his hands holding them up meaning he wants you to pick him up. “My boy’s first words are mama!” I squealed tears prickling my eyes.

“Daddy, Ally.” Weylin continued. “What?” Snow looked confused. “Daddy, Ally, Ba.” Weylin said and slung his arm towards the back yard. I looked out back and almost screamed.  In the back yard, maybe 50 rouges were standing in a circle. But in the middle stood Axel Clare and Ally unconscious.   Axel see us and smirked just as Snow growled and shifted charging outside. “SNOW!” I screamed, soon everyone else shifted but back up would take too long and they were outnumbered.

HEY GUYS!!! I re edited this chapter because a few of you guys have pointed out that I accidently put Lisa instead of Lexis. But those that did point out say a mixed name please be nice about it, I just deleted about maybe 5 that were rude. if your comment is rude it will be deleted. I didn't have to update but I did for you all and Unforutunley am unable to update until after school, but I had put Lisa because I had been thinking of someone. You guys are probably wondering why I couldn't update, I have a family member who is very close to death, she literally looks like a skeleton so please bare with me for a while on any mistakes or anything. 3/3/14

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