Author trying to help lol

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Ok, so some of you guys are still telling me you can't get to chapter 12, but others are saying it wasn't restricted on their computer/device. Weird to explain cause I have no idea. The only thing I can try and tell you all if you can't get chapter 12, or any 'restricted' chapters, its cause of this dumb website. Anyways, Un fan me and then re fan me. Go to the story's prologue where it has the chapters list and click on the directly on the chapter. unfortunately for those who still can't seem to get it. I will not message you a copy of chapter 12, I did for one person and they turned around and put it for one of their chapters in their book, they were reported and they deleted their account because they were afraid of me suing them, which I would have. Sorry I hope this helps you all. And chapter 25 will be up tomorrow.

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