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Blade's POV

Kate, Ally, Anna, and I are all out in the back yard looking for the perfect place to set up a tree house. Sure Weylin will have the pack house and ours to play in but still. I had always wanted one when I was a kid so now I am making Snow and Adam build one, they don't even know it yet. "So how about there?" Ally pointed out, it was a huge tree  and lose enough to the house I would be able to hear him. I mean no he won't be able to play in it until later but still.

"That actually looks like a safe place." Smiling I took a picture of it with my cell and then sent it to Snow, he will figure it out lol. "I am starving!! Let's go get some food." Anna whined and ran in side. "Hey there baby girl." Colt smiled picking her up and kissing her. "Don't you have a pack to run?" I raised an eyebrow and he playfully glared at me.

"My love is right here, plus father won't hand the title down until Anna is 16, a few more days!" Colt smiled as Anna squealed. "What did you get her?" I asked and he went wide eyed, he was so goanna mess with Anna right now. "Wait what? I thought since I was her mate and from a different pack that I didn't need to get her anything, I never got anything as a kid." Colt faked looking panicked, I was able to tell since I grew up with him.

"That's fine Colt, I got all I wanted already you." Anna smiled and kissed his nose and Kate eyed them. "Hey there you guys!" Lexis waved walking in, Adam behind her. "Man look at you getting a baby bump!" I smiled and she blushed. "It's still hard to believe that a little Adam and me is growing inside of me." Blushing she looked to the floor. "Well A Snow jr, will be here shortly." I smiled rubbing my bulging tummy.

"And I get to be an auntie!" Anna squealed and ran to the kitchen, remembering her food need. "Well where is soon to be daddy?" Colt asked looking around. "He said he had some pack things to do with James today, so they are out doing who knows what." I sighed sitting down and watching tv. "Starr-crossed!!! Oh my god he is sooooooooo hot!!!!" Anna squealed seeing the show pop on with the main dude, Ronan? "Well not as hot as you Colt, no one is." Anna giggled hearing a very loud growl from her mate.

"You better watch it, he might just leave you." Lexis laughed as Anna looked scared and jumped up and threw her self on Colt. "I WAS ONLY JOKING BABE!!!" Anna whined and Colt chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I know Hun its fine." He sat down with her as she ate her food. "I have got to go do something, I will be back by later." Kate smiled and kissed my head and walked out. "Love you to mom." Anna pouted and Colt kissed her.

-Few hours later-

We decided that tonight would be a movie night, so I am making some Alfredo chicken pasta for dinner and Anna, Ally, and Lexis is helping me set the table while the guys, Colt, Snow, and Adam move some spare mattresses to the living room for us all to pile up on. "Hey Blade, can I lay with you guys tonight? I don't wanna lay with bubba." Ally pouted and I smiled. "Sure, You can lay between Anna and I. Anna, can you fetch me the tea bags [lol] for the guys? I am making them some sweet tea, you know how much they and you love it." I smiled and she nodded as I started the water.

I finished up the food and drinks, Anna and Ally made everyone'd drinks and Lexis helped me make everyone's plates while the guys had put lots of fuzzy and warm blankets and pillows on the beds. "Hey guys! Dinner time!" I yelled and felt a pinch in my stomach from yelling I guess.

"Hmmm smells good babe." Snow whispered kissing my neck and setting our plates on the table. We all ate and made small chat, it was like a big family dinner, nice and lovely. "So how about that movie now? I have been dying to see it!" Anna squealed as we laughed, it was the 'Catching fire' movie, and I have also wanted to see it. Before I noticed Snow had picked me up and gently laid me down on the mattress and I kissed him and turned tot he tv.

-After movie-

I groaned and sat up rushing to the bathroom. Only when I made it to the bathroom and was about to pull my pants down, I felt a warm wet substance running down my legs. "SNOW!!"! I screamed and he was instantly herd making his way in here. "what's wrong?! OH SHIT!" He cursed seeing that my water had broken and he picked me up and rushed me downstairs.

"COLT! ADAM! LEXIS! ALLY! ANNA! GET UP WE ARE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL!!!!" Snow yelled frantic. "Labor?" Lexis asked waking up, yes everyone fell asleep during the movie. I yelled as a contraction hit and she instantly went into doctor mode.

-3hours later-

"DAM YOU SNOW!! I HATE YOU FOR THIS! WE ARE NEVER HAVING SEX AGAIN!" I growled, the pain was awful, and he just chuckled at me! "Sure babe, I love you to. Now come on, push, help get Weylin into this world." Snow cooed and I pushed for what felt like the thousandth time before hearing a soft cry as Weylin was born. I smiled seeing Snow cut the cord and Lexis cleaning Weylin. "My two perfect boys.." I cooed and felt a tightening in my chest. "what's-" I didn't hear whatever Snow was going to say, I fell unconscious

WEYLIN WAS BORN!!!!! But what happened to Blade? Will she be ok?


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