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It has come to my attention that I forgot to give @Th3PurplePanda credit for giving me the name Weylin, I am so sorry chicka! I have a jumbled mind and things just go and so yea sorry I forgot.

Blade's POV

I stood up grabbing out dishes and put them in the sink and went to wash them untill Snow growled at me. "I can do the dishes, you need to relax." Snow jumped up and started washing them. "Fine I'll go pick your clothes out then." I smirked and ran upstairs hearing him chuckle. I walked in to his closet and looked at his shirts. There was a nice black button up shirt since it was chilly outside so I'm sure he wouldn't mind a long sleeve. I also grabbed a pair of his black jeans that hugged him in all the right places. I smirked and laid that outfit on the bed and went to his boxer drawer and smirked. I grabbed his batman boxers and laid them on the bed, they were tight and showed just what I liked;)

I walked down stairs and seen Ally and Adam come in, Ally was covered in icecream. "Oh my! What happened you two?" I asked. "Well Colt took us out for icecream and she dropped it and started playing with it." Anna giggled. "well this just won't do. Snow is still cleanig the kitchen so how about I help give you a quick bath?" I smiled and she giggled. "I herd my name?" Snow smiled walking in and kissing my temple. "Yes, you go shower and I will help give Ally a bath and clean her up." I smiled grabbing her hand as we ran upstairs.

"It will need to be a quick bubble bath  so you ready?" I smiled and Anna nodded and hoped in the tub. I poured some shampoo in my hands and washed her hair and did all that stuff. I helped dry her off and we walked to her clothes that Kate and Anna had bought. "I wanna wear my new Horse shirt." Ally smiled picking it up. It was a light tan shirt and had a picture of a black mustand and a black colt running on a beach. "Ok how about some black jeans?" I asked and she nodded pulling them on. "Aunt Blade, will you braid my hair?" Ally whispered. "You can just call me Blade sweetie. And yea sure." I smiled and started brushing her hair and braiding it.

"Blade, are you my mommy?" Ally asked and I froze. A throat was cleared behind us and I turned to see it was Adam and Snow. "Ally, where did that come from?" Adam asked sitting next to her. "Well Blade and Snow take care of us. They make sure we are well fed and taken good care of. You always told me mommy and daddy would come save us and well Blade saved us. Sure Snow wasn't there but Blade was, so she has to be our mommy right?" Ally asked and Adam looked down, I could smell the salt from his tears before I seen them.

"Ally sweetie, your mommy and daddy, they loved you so so so so much! And they still do but they can't be here to show you guys that." Snow explained. "But Adam said." Ally stopped when she herd her older brother's sobs. "I know what I said Ally! But mom and dad are dead! They won't ever be comming back so you just need to forget about them!" Adam growled out and ran out of the room. "Adam!" I gasped. Ally looked scared as she started bawling her eyes out. "Shhh it's ok Ally, your brother is just upset." Snow cooed to her softly as he rocked her back and forth.

"But what about my mommy and daddy?" Ally cried. "Ally, your mommy and daddy, well they knew they could no longer take care of you. So they planned it as I would find you and help you guys out. I was meant to save you and your brother and Snow and I will help raise you and your brother to make you the best that we can." I smiled and Ally sniffled and looked up. "Really?" Ally asked. "Really, you guys are in good hands now and we will do everything in our power to make sure that you two are protected and well tooken care of. Your parents are smiling up in heaven to see that you two are so well." Snow smiled softly and she giggled and nodded hugging him.

"How about, you find your shoes and and coat while we go check on your brother?" I smiled and she jumped up. Snow and I walked hand in head to Adam's room and see him crying on his bed. "Adam." Snow sighed as we walked in. "Go away. You can't be the fake perfect parents, YOU ARE NOT EVEN LEGAL ADULTS YET!" Adam growled and Snow growled, not liking the challenge in Adam's voice. "Do remember you who the alpha is!" Snow snarled, his wolf at the surface. "I know that! But don't sit and act likt you are so good to my sister and that you can be her parents!!" Adam screamed and Snow grabbed him and held him against the wall. "Snow calm down!" I gasped and went to grab him but stopped seeing that Adam was actually challenging him. "You don't know what it's like, to watch your own parents be slaughtered in front of you? As they scream to be freed to let their children go? To watch as their own children are beaten infront of them? As they are slowly drained of their bloos and then they are slowly are eaten by the rouges that take you hostages and beat you for years, only feeding you enough to keep you alive? They beat us both, they-they raped me many times, I took it to keep them from going after Ally." Adam cried and I gasped as tears fell down my face. Snow stared at me wided eyed.

What do you guys think? Remember now there needs to be60 comments and I don't mind someone commenting more than once, just not with just numbers like. '1' '2'and so on there needs to atleast put something i can improve/add/or sanything else for the comment to count. Please and thankyou loves!!!!

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